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Friday, March 31, 2006

-Nothing eventful-

Nothing eventful really happened this past week... Except the fact that someone got expelled from chinese ochestra and victoria was stuffing more stuff up her bra...
Yes I'm serious.
She tried to stuff my sciccors in too, but in the end she went 'nah' and gave me back hahaaa...
Right now I'm waiting for a Charmed clip from youtube to buffer so I can watch it properly. I paused it before it even started so I can watch the whole thing in peace later. Hahaa. So anyway.
I've read like so many so many books all of a sudden I'm scaring myself. Kaylin lend me, Joyce lend me. I'm finishing another one off right now too. Shopaholic and sister, by Sophie Kinsella. I've see them in the shops a couple of times but didn't really take note of them.
Today was like so uneventful. For the second time. Though I did get my maths paper back and I'm really really really mad at it. Haiz.
And that I lost my maths exercise book B and Mdm Tin said maybe it was stolen since another boy from my class lost A book. Maybe they want to copy? Hahaa... Maybe one day when they finish copying they might put it back under our tables. That is, before I get my new B book.
And I forgot (completely) to get maths C book just now. A brand new exercise book. Oh wells.
Yesterday when Adeva didn't come to school her table plastic got slaughtered into tiny bits. Haiz. Don't you think its kinda mean? She is not really a bad person in particular according to me.
(pic took from liksheng long time back.)

| so spoken! @ 7:46 PM|


Wednesday, March 29, 2006



| so spoken! @ 10:06 PM|



http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ks9ipsoH6YM&feature=TopRated&page=2&t=t&f=b You must must must watch this. Featuring Yuna andTidus.
Today school was sooo... bleah. Especially before lunch. After that it was ok. During project we drew some stuff on the whiteboard. After seeing XueYi writing "Xueyi ♥ Andonna" (or something, i really cannot rmbr the name. smone from some star idol or whatever) we took the courtesy of writing it all over the board, inclusive of marriage vows and some other stuff. After that I went to play with Shutings mp3 hahaaa. Then now I', watching videos. And you must must go to that link, everytime i watch the video i find it hard not to cry. yes im a wimp =)

| so spoken! @ 7:26 PM|


Monday, March 27, 2006

-POOF into thin AIR-

Today (this morning) I had a long talk with myself in my head. A long long talk. About how now I have to buck up my studies real hard and why I have to go through all my maths and sciences from chapter1 all over again. I won't bore you with the whole thing but just know that it roughly took all morning before I reached school. (an hour plus)
So I was like having a good attitude, go to school look through my maths homework and accidentally not listen to teacher because I was worrying my results. Ironic. I worry about my results but because of that am not listening to teacher. So anyway, teacher set us homework. And like fifteen minutes of my talking-to-myself thing was undone just like that. So I had another talk with myself. Took a long long time.
So just imagine. For about the whole day whenever the teacher was not talking I was talking myself to death. Then I went home very unhappy about who-knows-what. I don't even know what upset me. Then I took out my chinese homework.
Let me tell you that the whole days's work was unraveled just like that. POOF into thin AIR. I looked at the zuo ye and went "Oh man I can't do this..." And then that was it. POOF. I just looked at it like the pathetic person I am and then wonder what I could have done with all the time I spent talking to myself since now it was all wasted and gone down the drain.
I tried. I did try.
I attempted a few questions. With the aid of textbook. And then you know what? I have decided that I could not just drop my resolution like that. What kind of person was I anyway? I went to myself, "what in the world am i doing to myself?"
I don't want to be the sort of wimp who goes around moaning to people about their problems and not do anything about it myself. It's irritating. Annoying. Distracting. And you are rubbing your bad influence over people around you. So. So.
So I pack up my chinese stuff (wth i ask smone tmrw) and out comes my maths homework. Stare at it awhile. Then decided to try. And even though I could not come up with any form of a worthy working, I got the answer! (!!!!!!!) I checked the back and I was right!! So I did a few more until I came to those that I didn't know how to do. I'd ask someone tomorrow.
And I am happy. I did not just drop myself like that. I'm happy that I didn't. From now on I have to work hard. On my maths. And everything else.
Well Chinese... Okok, fine. I'll work on it. That does not mean I will earn interest in it. Although I will try.
HAHA I didn't drop myself!! TAKE THAT!! =D =D =D

| so spoken! @ 8:54 PM|


Sunday, March 26, 2006


1) My cousin, who is three and a half. Pulled me off to help him with his 'armour' so he could start slaying people.
2)Rachel's cake
3)Happy Birthday Rachel~~ She's looking quite bored standing there while everybody got ready their camara and handphones. I'll bet she was thinking, "Can we get on with it? Why so troublesome? When can we get on to the pressies? I wonder what you got for me..."
4)Me with the Little mermaid trident thingie. Look so spastic.

Oops. I pressed something. Now my page is blown up to like twice its size AGAIN. Haiz.

| so spoken! @ 9:10 PM|


-Another weekends gone by....-

Haiz. Another weekends gone by already. There is approximately 40 days to exam. Why am I still on the computer? Yes I ask myself that, doesn't mean I have the answer right? This week must work like extra hard. I want to do my maths from Chapter1 all the way and redo my Science Chapt3 and 4 mindmap. And read through ALL the history chapters we went through so far, which is saying something since teacher move so fast. No Charmed this week. *AAAH* But then again maybe on Wednesday I will stay up a little later, watch a bit of TV or read something.
I still have not completed the Fearless book, which is a bad thing. Kaylin says its overdue. Oops. She lent me Matilda too. I've started on that (yet again) and I'm finishing Fearless. Whew. But still. I don't want the weekends to end just like that. Nothing big's happened. Like nothing to really talk about. Well we did go out for lunch today.
Oh yes, my cousin's birthday yesterday. Hahaa. Well I sat there. Yea. And read. And I borrowed the simplified version on Canon in D from my aunt. She has this great grand piano in her second hall and she has tons of music scores. She's an eight grade player and was a music teacher before. So passing that, there was cake and loads of photos. YAY =D
(upload after dinner hahaa)

| so spoken! @ 8:15 PM|


Friday, March 24, 2006


Pic didnt come out just now for sm reason. Compare this picture with the one at the bottom, the girl on the left side.

| so spoken! @ 3:20 PM|



I wonder what time I'm going to sleep tonight since I woke up at 530am. My tempurature today::: 530 = 39.7 ::: 150 = 38.7 ::: Now = Lazy to take.
Hmm Sinyan and Shuting will be in CO now. While I am here blogging. CO is going to China somewhere in June, I'm not sure if I want to go myself. Maybe I will. I hope MdmTin does not call. Haiz. I've got nthng to blog.
(why is my picture no the right BLUE)
So anyway the reason for these two pictures is that... See the Charmed picture? The girl on the left side. And the picture on the left. They look alike right!! My first impression of that Final Fantasy picture was (CHARMED!!)

| so spoken! @ 3:11 PM|



PCD video is gone. Nothing much to do right now. I want to change my blogskin. Hmm. Woke up at 530AM (AM!!!) because I had a nightmare. Fever 39.7. Eeps. Yesterday highest was 38 smthing only. Ah wells. Then I couldn't sleep anymore because of my nightmare. Something about red eyed monsters and stuff. Hahaaa.

| so spoken! @ 9:14 AM|


Tuesday, March 21, 2006

-PCD Video-

Visit the other side of my blog (www.diary-diary.blogspot.com) to see the video of PCD Stikwitu... you have to wait awhile for it to buffer and I will be removing it real soon too. Sooooo if you want to watch it better watch it first.

| so spoken! @ 3:45 PM|


Sunday, March 19, 2006

-.:":. dunno what to put here .:":.-

Since today is the last day of the holidays, officially... I'm going to publish an extra-long post. This might bore you since I am going to go through my whole hoolidays hahaa.
Went iceskating yesterday. First met Shuting at noon so we can go shopping and talk nonsense. After that we met Ken, Ling, Madhi and Eliz... Then we took MRT to Jurong. Shuting singing All I want for Xmas (is you) so loudly hahaa... We keep jumbling up the words and phrases of the first part... Cannot remember. Bad memory.
Anyway after that Shuting was going, "Give me lunch and I will be quiet, give me lunch and I will be quiet, give me lunch and I will be quiet" (mantra) so we went to this Japanese Cuisine (Shuting: !!!!!) where Shuting took alot of pictures of the food.
Then YAY we reach the rink finally. We all fell so many times. Which was actually the best part. Last half hour then I finally 'found out' how to skate, but I still fell. In front of the five-year-old girl with the cute blue tutu... who was pro. So embarassing. Hahaa. So fun, we should go again sometime.
After first break left Shuting, Ken, Ginelle and me. I put my scarf and beanie in the locker. Not quite as cold as I thought after all.
After that came home so tired but I wanted to go out to eat supper. So I went out with my dad and I was all decked in green.*YAY* And not on purpose too. I was wearing my green shirt and blue-green scratchy skirt. Mostly because my jeans were wet hahaa. And I was thinking since I had not worn skirts in awhile, let alone that skirt, why not?
And then I had to go take my green flower print bag hahaaa.
End of post. Don't feel like gong to school tmrw.

| so spoken! @ 2:00 PM|


Friday, March 17, 2006

-Yesterday's Pictures-

Yesterday's pictures. Not blogging today. Tired so tired. Try waking up at 7 and doing homework until 9pm. Takes up more energy than being in school for normal hours...
Hahaha the Final Fantasy picture so nice right? And Shuting (in field) looks like heavens shining down on her. I love the rays of light when they shine down that way through the clouds. Makes you feel everything is going to be alright.

| so spoken! @ 9:39 PM|


Thursday, March 16, 2006

-My Bangkok Trip & Today-

Hahaa pictures of my Bangkok trip from last year. That's the streets, then the Death Railway, my sister concentrating hard on rowing and the Japanese restaurant there. The streets are so different from Singapore right? So unique.
I went to Mrs Chong's house with Shuting today... First I went to Pasta Mania to wait for her, but then it was so damn full... No empty seat at all. I felt so stupid standing around with all the people eating and watching me (hahaa it's intimidating to be looked at liddat) so I went to the fountain there to sit and wait.
After Shuting arrived we went to Pasta Mania again (so empty now!!) and took the same seat as we did last time... That's what I think anyway. I treated her so she paid 90c hahaa. So long never eat pizza, eat already so nice...
I had to ask Shuting my Japanese homework... There's a few questions I don't understand. Then after that Ken and Yohannis came to join us. At 215 we had to go liao then this small girl came banging into Shuting. She looked so haunted, poorthing. I wanted to help her up but she was just so terrified.
So draining today. Especially the Math part. Went through Congruents (urgh) and the factor thing. Most draining. After taht we went through Science. Not so draining but still. Walking home that time we talked about Shuting's students and then went to Popular to help her get books for them. Wanted to get oranges but then I was running late so I ran home instead.
I was too tired... Decided not to go after all. I'm so tired. So tired. So tired.
Tomorrow I put Shuting's picture and one of me and my sister in KL last year. So tired today. Haiz.

| so spoken! @ 9:46 PM|


-New Layout-

I have got a new layout. (I know what you're thinking: OBVIOUSLY) What I don't like is 1) My pictures look frosted over and 2) the cbox is a little... low plus 3) the links are too much to the right. [(2) and (3) no longer a problem. THANMK YOU SHUTING XD]I am going be happy with it anyway. Meanwhile...
That doll is made by ME this afternoon [at least the hair dress and background]. I'm so happy with it.

(Doll base creds: www.stvgr.net/dhf, Doll on the Hill Factory)

But the door looks stupid. Although I do like the dress where the dark and light purple mix. Looks like crystals. She is supposed to be holding a key to her room. Not obvious. Her name is Kristie or Susie(doesn't she look like a Kristie? Or maybe you have a different impression of that name).
Took me almost forever to fix her hair and jacket. Especially the jacket. It was hard not to follow the lines on her dress on accident. I love the gloss in her hair hahaa.
Waited forever for Maple to load today. After wasting the whole afternoon in front of the computer, finally, finally, my neighbour came to help me do after dinner. I love AquaLand. Hahaaa. I played her character there... Love the swimming.
Don't feel much like posting today though. Just hope that my pictures don't look frosted over too much...

| so spoken! @ 12:40 AM|


Tuesday, March 14, 2006

-Thick thick thick-

I slept at 3:30am last night after all. I did sleep. However I don't know what time I am going to sleep tonight. Maybe a little earlier since there is no one to chat with and nothing much to do. nobody left downstairs. Just me and my computer and the music. Ah wells.
Since I stayed up so late last night, I watched MTV from 230 liddat to about 3+. There was (Black Eyed Peas) Pumpit, (Pink) Stupid Girl, (Robbie W) Advertising Space, (PCD) Stikwitu... Quite nice songs overall. Reminds me of the time QianXi stayed over, we didn't really sleep at all. First night we played (gameboy, harvest moon) until like 3+am. Second day it was 4+. Hahaa...

| so spoken! @ 12:06 AM|


Monday, March 13, 2006

-Just The Girl - Click5-

I love this song. Just the girl - Click5. Hahaa it's not very popular I guess but I can't stop playing it over and over. It's late. 1:24am on my computer clock. Don't feel like going to sleep so I guess I am going to wake up real late tomorrow. (Kaylin, wednesday want come? sms me hor)
Muahaha I have black nails. I have taken a slightly gothic turn all of a sudden. Not very, but a little. I got a book from KinoKuniya the other day, VampireHunter, 3 volumes in one. 600 over pages and the words are smaller than Harry Potter. Hahaa. Think I can finish it this week? Tomorrow morning (or if i wake up late afternoon) I'm gonna take a picture of the book and the size of the words in it.
Surprisingly how many people are online at this hour. (Not counting the people who leave their comp and msn runnning all night) I go chased by cargo in Maple, I stood around waiting for balrog with a bunch of pros-acting-noob. Haiz. Then I went to try out some dollmakers. Wonder when I'm going to finish writing my story and wonder when it will be published. I wonder if they will accept anyway, it's a bunch of words pulled into a few sentences to form rubbish.
1:30. Nothing to do, nothing to do. Redoing my nails tomorrow. Hopefully neater. And with white flowers.
You know what, I think I am going to bed to read my Vampire book. Oh wait, I have to finish the Charmed book my friend lend me first. Ya... Maybe I'm not going to sleep at all.

Oh ya, the picture. It happened a long time ago. Don't look at me like that. I know that curiosity kills the cat now, thank you very much.

| so spoken! @ 1:24 AM|


Sunday, March 12, 2006

-My USB Cable-

Yay, I've got batt. =)

Anyways last night I went to Sophie's school's performance thing at Singapore Conference Hall... I didn't expect it to be so nice actually... Hahaa... It was great... The storyline was DongYong and the seventh fairy. I loved the fairy clothes the best. They just wore a simple white dress but then they wore this shawl thing that hung behind them. So NICE...
Anyways this morning I went fetch my sister to ballet and after that we had lunch there at Sakae Sushi. Ouch. Teeth pain because dentist pull so tight yesterday. I didn't eat sushi, I ordered 2 portions of cold noodles. Going to be fat hahaa.
I got two nail polishes and a purple hand phone strap for 50c!! Nono, not the nail stuff. Those were $4.50 in total.

| so spoken! @ 4:07 PM|


Wednesday, March 08, 2006

-Out on a clear blue sky-

My cam still no batt, if not I would have taken a photo of my glorious (and victorious) plate of chocolate cookies I made in Home Econs with Peifang. Hahaa...
I didn't dare to take the cookies out of the oven for fear of burning myself. I. Am. Such. A. Wimp. W.I.M.P. So anyway, me the wimp mixed the flour and mopped the floor. I love my cookies. hahaa....
Anyway during maths this wimp was rushing her ACE file for checking. Teacher gave us our contents page, and I was mostly going "OMG OMG WHERE MY WORKSHEET?!". haiz. I think I was like real wimpish today. Is that even a word? Okay, nevermind.
Science class. Ohh the boys were looking forward to that. They were even counting down to science class. For once, anyway. Usually they just wait for teacher and then find someone to pick on. Today it was like "10 mins to science class, 2 mins to science class, 2 secs to bell ring". Haiz. So anyway teacher walk into class and everyone was like cheering and jumping. Exclude the girls, please. We are not guilty of such animalistic behavoir.
Teacher said he would be real frank with us for this lesson (more sounds from the animals) and that of course made them ask if teacher was a virgin. No straight answer for that. lol. ears pain from all that screaming. then when it came to the male reproductive system thing, the boys hooting like siao into OUR EARS. I think I seriously need a hearing aid now.
Teacher said that that was usually in front of most males, but then he stand in front of the projection and said, "although now i standing in front of it"... hahaas...
Ears are like hurting real badly. Need earmuffs.
As we went on it was a little quiet, most ppl die down after all that screaming they made into our ears. So anyway it was quiet. Until teaecher pick out ppl to answer questions.
Ears no longer wish to be part of my system.
Overall however, it was an okay lesson. At least we don't have a chicken bone up where our noses are. One of my facourite phrases. That phrase is all about the positive point of view and all.
Ohh, I rmbrd smthing. Shi Xuan knocked over my pencil box again yesterday. Let's count. One, Two. Three and I lost it. "KNOCK OVER ONE MORE TIME YOU CRAWL ON THE FLOOR TAKE EVERYTHING FOR ME" I think I was possesed. Anyway the look on his face was sooo worth it. Hahaas. The bitch in the wimp is coming out.
I am seriously tired of the boys in class. They think they can get away with anything we girls have to put up with, like knocking over our pencil boxes (especially) and today they were throwing paperballs at the fan above my head. Guess where most of them ended up.
what the hell?! i was sitting there reading my book and minding my own business suddenly got a few paperballs land on my head in quick succession.
That is not. nice. Especially when you are trying to read. Being the wimp that I am, I walked (okay, ran. i dont want any paperballs, hard or not, to make contact with my head. i have lost enough brain cells as it is.) a little to the left and said walao. a few times. then i waited until they got bored with the fan above my head and moved up front to the other fan. Then I went back to sit at my place. And the floor around me was littered with paperballs.
What a nice welcome back gift.
"bernice puncher","bernice i want puncher","bernice lend me puncher...","bernice where puncher?" Okay. What am I exactly? I bring hole puncher for a few days in which everyone was asking me for puncher. I got so stressed out the other day ("bernice puncher," "bernice lend me smthing" "bernice got that not lend me" "bernice this" "bernice that") that I told everyone to shut up one minute and had to go ask them one by one what they wanted.
What am I, a vending machine?! Even vending machines don't need to deal with so many demands I think. especially the boys. You lend them something now, tmrw when you ask for something they put it on the floor. "Nah, go take".
好心有好奖? (smthing wrong with me today, this is actually CHINESE)

| so spoken! @ 3:36 PM|


-One More Moment (Ronin)-

Ronin, One More Moment

Merry Xmas~
Hey, how are you
Ohh not so good... A little cold out here without you
Aww it''ll be ok, I'll see you soon)

Don't take too long to say I love you to
the ones you love
Cos time has a habit
Of slipping away

And out on a clear blue sky
When lightning strikes on a sunny day
Just take me in
And keep me from the rain

And the words that seem so hard to say
Come out when youve gone away
Stay a little while
and hear me say

That I want you here tonight
and I need you
by my side
for just one more moment
for just one more moment
with you

Turn away and say goodbye
With each and every
word that passes by
Like a distant memory

Time keeps slippin away
and time will turn the to grey
and time will be the one who holds you down

And the words that seem so hard to say
come out when you've gone away
stay a little while
and hear me say

That I want you here tonight
and I need you by my side
for just one more moment
for just one more moment

and I want you here tonight
and I need you by my side
for just one more moment
for just one more moment
with you

Sometimes time will treat you bad
before you even know whats wrong
in the end it hits you hard
pls tell me youll be strong...

| so spoken! @ 3:24 PM|


Tuesday, March 07, 2006

-Camara no batt = No Pic-

So sad today. Dunno why. Anyway I made my way through Charmed Again which I borrowed from Kaylin (made my way through as in finish reading) in class. Don't ask me why I wasn't paying attention. Anyway I am home now and I want to finish Fearless 4 today (not that I haven't already finish it) and then going to make my way through Bad Girls by Cynthia Voight. Again not that I haven't already finished it.
I have read that like two three times three years ago from my primary school library, and now I ask my sister to get it for me. And no, there is no "This is a girl, this is a boy, the girl's name is Jen, the boy's name is Tan." Sheesh, not lower primary la.
I want to get my hands on Dreamstalker too, again from my primary school library. I must state that my primary school library is highly well-stocked in the books section. Oh ya, one more thing to complete today, I need to make a list of books for Kaylin and then photocopy the Canon in D she lent me. And try to play it. I can't even do the first bar properly, can you believe?!

| so spoken! @ 4:06 PM|


Monday, March 06, 2006


Nthng much to blog about, but then since I am so sian and I have nothing better to do I guess I will. First interesting thing went to Causeway Point where met Riverside friends... hahaa Amanda so tall already but luckily I still recognise her and everyone else. I am getting betetr memory everyday. Then after that we went to McDonalds for Shuting to teach me my maths Chapter 6: Solving Quadratic Equations by Factorisation. (ME: HUH?!) Anyway after she taught me the first question I was like happy since I thought I could definitely handle the other 16 questions now.
And then we went to bookshop where we looked at Memoirs of the Geisha... and also at nonsensical joke books. But still. Then we saw this art book thing with nude stuff in it so we decided we had to get out of there because the more we looked the more stuff (that are too expensive, that are nonsensical, and those that have nude stuff in it) we would see, so out we went into Comics Connections.
Got Kaylin's present from there. And do you know that the shopkeeper recognise Shuting?Muahahaaa... After looking around a bit (I think 15 mins =X) we bought the stuff and got out of there... geuss into where?
McDonalds again. Really makes good business right, in out in out... So I bought one medium coke and took three plastic cuppies and we shared between us two. (third cup xtra) I think I drank too much cos now feeling a bit wierd... Hahaa... Too much sugar. See Shuting, told you you should have taken more XD. LOLS.
So anyways since I got home, I discovered I still did not know the maths stuffy. Soo got online to ACE learning (sob sob) and I figured it out in the end. After running through the video two or three times. But my math exercise STILL can't do even though I fully understand. Haiz. Ask PeiFang math pro tmrw =).
So ends todays post. Sian.

| so spoken! @ 9:04 PM|


Saturday, March 04, 2006


Cross-country today... MacRitchie Resovoir... So sian got to like run and run and run all the way when all I really wanted to do was go home and get online. Ran with Kaylin and Peifang + SzeYee and Kaiting in the lead. In the end Peifang ran ahead and Kaylin walked with me. And that resulted in me being seriously freaked out by the running thing after squatting for an hour (an hour!) so I stopped running and Kayling got forward. In short, I was the last of them, though I think me and Peifang reached about same time approx...
When we went home we took a taxi and some idiots stood a few metres away from us when we have been standing there waiting for like twenty minutes!! So the first taxi that came along was theirs. So maddening. So we walked up again and when I opened the taxi door it got stuck on the curb. I had to like pull it so hard and it made the metal-against-cement sound that I really wanted to block out of my system.
We fell asleep in the taxi, me, SzeYee and Kaiting. Peifang stayed awake and woke us all. Hahaas. Should really try not to get concked out everywhere I go. At least this time I have an excuse. I squatted an hour, ran an hour and sat on burning ground for an hour. That has to count for something.

| so spoken! @ 12:17 AM|


Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Thematic should really be known as Fairytales. This will make it easier to memorise, easier to understand, and much more fun (or lame), either way. EG:
ecology> (the) relationship between human, animal, plant life and its environment.
Which can translate to:
ecology> a world in which humans, animals and plant life live happily ever after.
Doesn't that sound better already? It isn't really better, per se, but its like way more interesting and easier to memorise. Really. So instead of fairytale, try let's say... Plain wierd. Another snippet of an example:
ice age> time in the past when tempuratures were extremely low and glaciers formed over a large part of the Earth.
ice age> time in the past when it was very cold and ice covered the Earth. THE END.
So much shorter, but its wierd, like its supposed to be. Hahaaa ok. This is not going to help me with my thematic test so... I guess I'm going to go off now, I really want full marks for this one.
Signing off,

| so spoken! @ 8:21 PM|
