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Wednesday, May 31, 2006

-Telling you what to say-

YAY. We had a good time. And Kaylin looked like a mother to her brother and my sister yesterday at the arcade. Reeaally. I think she will make a really good mother.

We got really good stuff today. Lots of nice, cheap stuff.

There was this salesgirl we didn't like.

Us: Have bigger size..?
She: No (glare)
Us: ....
Another girl: But we do have it in other colours like yellow and black
Us: Yay, thnx

And there was a time when Shuting thought she lost ten bucks, and when me and Kaylin bought two same pairs of slippers from two different shops.


| so spoken! @ 11:10 PM|


-seems like yesterday-

| so spoken! @ 11:05 PM|



(yest. & today)

-- Army skirt
-- Ice Cream!
-- Green shirt [to go with ALL my skirts]
-- Black & white slippers
-- Pepsi light, lime
-- Mango Juice
-- Aloe Vera Lime Juice

Took the wrong bus and ended up somewhere else... then had to backtrack. Had lots and lots of fun!!

| so spoken! @ 7:12 PM|


Monday, May 29, 2006


Sometimes it's wrong to walk away,
though you think it's over
Knowing there's so much more to say
Suddenly the moment's gone
And all your dreams are upside down
And you just wanna change the way the world goes round
Have you Ever - S Club 7

When the world stops turning
The sun stops burning
When the drops of the waterfall
Freeze mid journey...
When it all stops - BC2K


| so spoken! @ 10:09 AM|


Sunday, May 28, 2006

-newest creations-

Here are some of the display pictures I made for myself... Steal / 'borrow' and I WILL find you and have you assasinated. I'm not a mean person, really. I just spent a REALLY long time on these.

| so spoken! @ 11:04 PM|




Which was what the shop attendent said to me in the bookstore because I was sitting on the floor going through comics. (Baby Blues 5 and 8! YAYS!)

So I did, after a bit of complaining and grumbling about me (really!) not blocking anyone by sitting on the floor anyway.

In the end I started (tottering in my mum's high heels) walking around to the other shelves to find the Book of Answers thing, and to see what other interesting things they might have in the "Adults Interest" section. I was expecting things like Karma. Yoga. Things like that. Guess what I found instead?

And sex.
And sex again.
And a whole lot about orgasms.

Heh. You'd think adults would be interested in alot of other things huh.

I saw all of my cousins today. I missed them sooo much!!

They're all so cute and adorable, and they've gotten so BIG. I mean, given such a short time. I guess that was why people always say I'm so tall and big and whatever. Come on la, I am STILL 155.5cm. It's not much of a big diff since last year.

Ohh, and how tall was I last year? Oh, right. 155.5 cm.

Yay me. =="

Found the PC game for Final Fantasy VIII, the one with Rinoa and Squall, which I really wanted to get. But it was compatible for Windows 95 and 98. This machine I'm using now? XP.

Ah wells.

And I've got more FISH. Hurray~~

Now how many fish have I got swimming in my small tank? Oh, just about a little more than a mere twenty.


| so spoken! @ 9:55 PM|


Saturday, May 27, 2006

-I'm already GONE-

Today was an alright day overall.

Do you wanna know what goes on between two guys in a conversation?

Ok. I didn't think so.



Even if I enlarge this word it won't have the meaning in it. But you get the idea.

| so spoken! @ 10:44 PM|


Thursday, May 25, 2006




I had a good day overall, best of all when it was announced that we can have long hair! No more of "stifling our growths as individuals in a society of people with longer hair"! No more of "The barber is coming tomorrow to cut the hair of those who let it grow out".



Maths lesson

First period after recess

Tables were in a mess

Class was so noisy it could burst your ears open

Ok. With this 'situation' in mind, what would happen when Mr Lau asked the class to arrange the tables?

No one really did, until he shouted....

And no one really listened to him either... In fact, they just about did everything the opposite of what he asked. Some of the answers to his question: Why didn't you do homework?

"I don't wanna do"
"I forgot" (most common)
"I don't usually listen to your lessons, why should I do your homework?"

Well. Right. Kinda mean, some of them.

Anyway, there was a briefing on our CHINA TRIP!! (that means that I have half an hour left of chinese orchestra to go to after that. so ya, basically I didn't get to play, or get a scolding. its GOOD)



I mean, who cares about anything else right now?

| so spoken! @ 7:45 PM|


Tuesday, May 23, 2006


smhow or other this picture didnt (couldnt) come out. Trying again. [please work!]

| so spoken! @ 9:35 PM|



--From the left to the right
--Dont ask me who the guy behind peifang is
--Notice a pattern? All chinese names =)

| so spoken! @ 9:27 PM|


-What We Did-

Malay Heritage Tour: Some pictures of my classmates, schoolmates and me. (I think all the photo taking really did annoy LikSheng and Her Laang who were behind us, and the commentator person. Sorry ><)
[Blogger 'ate' the other picture that I reposted above.]

With the DRUM =D

and the DRUM.

and the DRUM again. *wuliao*

| so spoken! @ 9:11 PM|


-Second chances-

"Do blah blah blah blah blah, blah blah blah, yada yada yada yada... Chitter chatter, hitter chatter. Gibber gabber. Crap. Crap crap crap crap blah blah, yada yada. Yada Yada? Yada? YADA? BERNICE!!"

"Huh, huh huh?"

Now thank goodness that hasn't happened. It almost did though. I fell asleep in chiense orchestra. Quite a feat. I was carrying my liu qin and leaning my head on the back of its head. Head to head. Haha. And then I fell asleep. And it wasn't until my hand slipped off and I nearly fell to the right that I woke up. Whew. The floor didn't look very friendly back then. Better not risk it again. But of course, falling asleep is inevitable when the teacher's constant blah-ing, yada-ing and gibberish become a creature comfort to you. It happens in class when teachers talk too much.

| so spoken! @ 9:00 PM|


Saturday, May 20, 2006

-Pasar Malam-

When the times are stressing, the stressed go to pasar malams to get cheap stuff

Good things bout Pasar Malams (according to me)

-cheap stuff
-cute stuff
-lovely earrings [cheap!]
-there's enough noise

Things about Pasar Malams I do not like

[but if you go in the day it is alright]

When bored / need unwinding, buy a magazine off a rack and read throughout the whole MRT journey from AMK to woodlands

To unwind after class, grab a Teenage (or anything you want) off a rack at AMK station with two girlfriends and start reading in the MRT. Then towards the end of the ride start teasing when your girlfriend's boyfriend calls. [smthing very much to do with umm... MRT gaps. hahaa.]

Some things to make you feel better

- Start smsing after your bill comes (YAY free smses all over again!!)
- Find out that someone you frequently sms has burst his smses too! (Over 1000, just like me)
- Go to the pharmacy and smell all of the perfumed shampoos, soaps, bubble baths, everything. It really makes you feel light after awhile.
- Read the labels on the perfume, some are nice to know. [eg: poison, interesting isn't it? I really wanted to know how it smelt like]
- Meet up with your two girlfriends after dinner at around 8 to exchange gifts
- Rustling through the ROC rack to see all the things they are made for. [anti-aging, anti- brownspots, etc]
- Start squeezing the sample bottle because the bottle is kinda cute.
- Say 'nthng, nthng,' when the promoter asks if you want anything, because you are embarassed being caught trying to press the sample bottle into a conical shape
- Just looking at all the different colours people dye their hair in the dye section of the pharmacy
- Have you ever noticed that the condoms are always sort of close to the sweet / battery rack?
- Laugh because there is a whole sector on snacks (fattening) and opposite it is a whole sector on slimming products [don't you think it's funny? wait, i mean haha funny, not funny odd.]

- Blog about your day in point form, under a section that reads 'Some things to make you feel better' =]


| so spoken! @ 8:49 PM|


Thursday, May 18, 2006

-I know-

I Knew
[think romeo and juliet, you will get it]
Except that, there was no trust, otherwise there would be no story for me.

It was before the first tears
Before the first stars had appeared

But yet I knew
Somewhere deep inside
That at the end of this tunnel
There is no light

A dead-end road
A waste of time
Trying to see
When this would end

There was no ending
There wasn't even a start
Because of the people we knew
We were torn apart

Part of themselves
Sealed up with writhing hate
And their heads
Frozen with imaginative fate

This never started
It will never end
Forever sealed up with
Eternity's never-end

Like we are caught
In between time and space
So far apart we are
It's like nothing has changed

We are still not talking
They are still cocooned in hate
And I wonder to myself
If ever again I can see your face

Like a bubble of poison
Which poisons the heart
We were inhumanely
Forced apart

Two years ago
Somehow I knew
That at the end of this tunnel
There would never be a light

| so spoken! @ 8:44 PM|


-Corel PPX-

Made this on Corel PPX yesterday, but saved as JPG. format, so there's discolouration. Due to the fact that Blogger does not upload pictures not in JPG (and some others I cannot rmbr at this moment) format.

And I am seriously considering skipping ochestra tomorrow. Because it's Friday, by Monday teacher will most probably forget all about it and will not question me further. However I do not have an excuse if the seniors ask me. And yeah, sometimes the seniors are a little... hot on my trail.

Today was okay. Assembly was alright. Except that Hello? Don't you have to like, tell people in advance when you want to draaaaaaaaggg?

I'm hoping I will be able to go to ochestra with Shuting this Saturday. Seems kinda fun. And we can get Mr Li to write some sort of a letter so that we can keep long nails in school. Well we do have to use them for certain instruments don't we! And then, if there is some performance, don't we have to have long hair?

Ending note:
If any of you don't like me anymore, due to the fact that over 4 years have passed and all, yeah, you don't really have to show it, do you? I can get the vibes straight off as fast as monkeys spot bananas. And you do not have to flaunt that convincing power of yours over me. I'm just easily manipulated, and you're just controlling. Go on, go try it on someone else and see if you get the same results. I admit that I am easily imfluenced and easily convinced. You don't have to wave that info around like a flag on your head. Imagine what the group we hung around with in Primary School would say if they found out? Should I tell?

[no, none of you know this person, trust me. even if i tell, it will be a comlpete waste of my breath. don't worry, trust me when i say it's none of you from school]

| so spoken! @ 7:34 PM|


-beautiful smiles-

It isn't that I am very mean, really. It is just that, when people are mean to you for awhile, well, you sort of fantasize about all the bad stuff that you want to happen to them. Please do not target me for physical assault, because these things have not been done, and will not ever be done. They are just fantasies, and I have named no one. It is no one you will be able to guess anyway.

[*1] Smash their faces into the ice (fresh from your fridge) until the ice cracks down the middle. A few face-smashes would be necessary for the desired result. (Warning: Tends to attract attention)

[*2] "ohmigawd, there's a thick-headed sucker THING over there! What are you looking for, it's yourself!"

[*3] In class, ask how much space a fully-grown nettle takes up, how much it costs, and where you can get one. Look worridly at his/her seat and mutter, "I think there's space for a coupla pots..."

[*4] Pull their pockets inside out when they are not looking, will cause weird reactions all around.

[*5] Sabotage their seats with nettles / sharp yet small objects, eg: staple bullets intertwined and forming an X.

[*6] Ask them out roller blading, cycling, ice-skating or running. When they are not looking, get someone good on wheels / blades to sweep their blades / heels / skates from behind. Causes falling and a riot.

`[B]ernice*_ =)

| so spoken! @ 7:18 PM|


Wednesday, May 17, 2006


| so spoken! @ 6:49 PM|



| so spoken! @ 6:43 PM|


-And again-

YAY Sepia and bnw tones!!

| so spoken! @ 1:14 PM|


Tuesday, May 16, 2006

-surprise surprise-

I'm sick. Wee. Sneezing non-stop. Headache. Exhaustion. Blocked nose. Nausea. Anyway, worked with Sepia as well as black and white pictures today. Wa. So blurry, head so empty. All clouds hahaa. That's what happens when I get sick.

*YAY sepia tones and b&w pictures rock*

| so spoken! @ 9:40 PM|


Monday, May 15, 2006



I'll fix these broken things
Repair your broken wings
And make sure everything's alright

[Maroon 5 - This Love]

Things have been a little hectic lately. And (oops) I haven't done my Art Supprting Studies... And Art is when? Oh yes, tomorrow. Ok. I will go dig out the Art questions later and start working on it. Though I don't really remember where I put it. It might be in between my file and my art folio. It might be in my art folio. It might be stuffed into one of my books as a bookmark. It might have been crumpled at the bottom of my bag. For all I know, it might be thrown away by now and I have to get someone to fax it to me ASAP. Haiz. Art exam isn't very much fun. And you actually have to be quiet. Ah well. No catching up with Peifang tomorrow. Lucky she's just sitting beside me. Then maybe I can talk to her when the teacher isn't looking. Or when teacher doesn't mind, before exam.

Tomorrow is going to be a good day. Or, at least, an average day. At least, it seems so. What can go wrong tomorrow? The worst thing that can happen in class is that one of the boys will decide to carry the pail full of water into class, and someone will knock it over. Won't that create more than a little chaos? Hope they don't spill it on my bag. And my stuff. I wonder who is going to invidulate. Is that even spelt right? Ohh, is that even a word?

I have had the art question paper for a (really really) long time now. Teacher gave it (because she had to) to us. (Don't you just hate me when I'm in my bracket mood? Too bad for you) But it seems that I have (apparently) misplaced it somewhere, and I'm just putting off the time I have to go look for it. I said (in my head) that I would go look for it at 7:30. And well, it's now 7:31. And no, I am not even planning to move anytime soon. Haiz. After I post this. (Try to, no guarantee.)


| so spoken! @ 6:52 PM|


Saturday, May 13, 2006

-our world-

Borrowed my mum's heels.

Everyone said I was tall... But only because I borrowed her heels.

Yes. You can stop laughing now.

| so spoken! @ 10:04 PM|


Monday, May 08, 2006

-Just you and me-

Love this song.
History today? Yeah, it wasn't very good.

Heartbreak lullaby...

In the still of the night,
I can almost feel you lying next to me,
Like it used to be,
And its hard to let go,
When there's always something there reminding me,
How things could be,
I've tried to get you off my mind,
I've tried to play my part,
But everytime I close my eyes,
You're still inside my heart,
Why can't I laugh?
Why must I cry?
Everytime we say good-bye,
Why does it rain,
Here in my heart,
Everyday that we're apart,
Why can't it be,
Just you and me,
What will it take to make you see,
These are the words,
To my Heartbreak Lullaby,
Like the stars in the sky,
You still keep on shining down you're light on me,
But out of reach,
And I know that in time,
You will come back to your senses,
See the signs,
And change your mind,
I try to look the other way,
And keep my heart on hold,
But everytime I'm close to you,
I lose my self-control,
Why can't I laugh?
Why must I cry?
Everytime we say good-bye,
Why does it rain,
Here in my heart,
Everyday that we're apart,
Why can't it be,
Just you and me,
What will it take to make you see,
These are the words,
To my Heartbreak Lullaby,
Why can't I laugh?
Why must i cry?
Give me just one good reason why..
Why does it rain
Here in my heart,
Everyday that we're apart,
Why can't it be,
Just you and me,
What will it take to make you see,
These are the words,
To my Heartbreak Lullaby,

| so spoken! @ 10:01 PM|


Sunday, May 07, 2006

-goodbye too many times before-

One more Saturday. Oh wait. It's 12:30. oK. Ok.

Sunday then. One more Sunday. I am goign to sleep late tonight. Then tomorrow will come later, then I don't have to study so soon. Though it doesn't make much sense. Because whether you sleep or not, tomorrow will come at the same time as always. But if you don't sleep, time won't pass so fast. Is that right?

I have to keep up with my history. I have to read through my entire textbook tomorrrow. It does not really seem extremely tempting, but... I really, really, really, really really want to make it to Bio. There is like an air of tension around everything now. Exam peak periods. It happens.

And its 12:35am now. Let's think of somemore to put up here. Oh yeah. My chinese paper. One cloze passage + 5 comprehensions. I finished 5 minutes before time. I guess I was lucky counting that alot of people did not have a chance to finish it in the first place.

I hope I get an A.

And I finally got to take my grammar paper!! *YAY*

[I have put the lyrics here before, but then again I love this song]

Ronin, One More Moment

Merry Xmas~
Hey, how are you
Ohh not so good...
A little cold out here without you
Aww it''ll be ok, I'll see you soon)

Don't take too long to say
I love you tothe ones you love
Cos time has a habit
Of slipping away
And out on a clear blue sky
When lightning strikes on a sunny day
Just take me in
And keep me from the rain
And the words that seem so hard to say
Come out when youve gone away
Stay a little whileand hear me say
That I want you here tonight
and I need youby my side
for just one more moment
for just one more moment
with you

Turn away and say goodbye
With each and every word that passes by
Like a distant memory
Time keeps slippin away
and time will turn the to grey
and time will be the one who holds you down
And the words that seem so hard to say
come out when you've gone away
stay a little while
and hear me say

That I want you here tonight
and I need you by my side
for just one more moment
for just one more moment
and I want you here tonight
and I need you by my side
for just one more moment
for just one more moment
with you

Sometimes time will treat you bad
before you even know whats wrong
in the end it hits you hard
pls tell me youll be strong...

| so spoken! @ 12:25 AM|




| so spoken! @ 12:21 AM|


Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Which is worse? Falling asleep in history or falling asleep in chinese?

Definitely history. In chinese the teachers just ignore you until you wake up and quickly try to take out your books and catch up. In History teacher says, "And all of you should try to like sleep earlier so that you don't feel so tired in school,". Which he is so obviously implying to me because there is no way a teacher can insert that into a long lecture about silence being golden. Yeh. Teacher has to put in a sentence in his speech just for me. Which I think is of no real use because I feel asleep as soon as he started lesson after lecture.

Yeh. And when he is going through the mindmap I am trying desperately to get Kaylin to talk to me so that I can wake up. Which doesn't really work. Reason being I fell asleep again.

But no, I did not sleep late. No later than midnight. But I am always drained after like half a day of school. And when I get home I am dead beat. What is wrong with me? I cannot study like this. Even today I couldn't get myself to concentrate properly.

Open book. Look at book. Look at words. Read words. Nothing goes in. Read the words again. Nothing goes in. Read again. Get it. Read second sentence. Nothing goes in. Read again. Got it. Forget first sentence. Close book. Gives up. Goes to watch TV.


Open book. Look at book. Feels nauseated at the number and size of the words. Read paragraphs. Understand everything. Fall asleep. Have a weird dream. Wake up with my mind a clean slate.


(if I am real lucky) Open book. Read paragraph. Understands. Digests. Goes on and on until I finish the chapter. This has so far only happened in Science.


Open book. Turn on computer. Turns MSN to BUSY. Opens Microsoft. Proceed to type out every important point. Everything goes in. Understands. File > Save as > History Chapter 4. Got it. Saved forever in my brain. Wait, I mean computer. Damn. If life was so easy as File > save.

Tied my sister's hair today with my favourite butterfly clip. Lent it to her for a day. A DAY. I love that clip too much. And that made me realise how much I still missed my long hair. And that made me all resentful and ungrateful again.

[my sister is so pretty!! Im so proud of her and her attitude although sometimes it can be a pain...] =D
PS smting wrong with the pictures, cannot upload... so maybe next time.

| so spoken! @ 9:08 PM|


Monday, May 01, 2006

-screwed up mess-

Tried to study. Just ended up making a huge mess in my room. Which really isn't very funny, considering I have to pack it all sooner or later. And Just Like Heaven (the movie) is real real good. So anyway since my camara was there, I took the oppurtunity to catch me at my worst. My nightmare mess. Then I sat down having nothing to do, except squishing my soft toys. Therefore I just squished them both together (KAWAAI) and took a photo too. *CHEESE*

Have to start typing out my history textbook now. Haiz.

| so spoken! @ 7:36 PM|
