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Monday, July 31, 2006

-Ju Cae-

Julius Caeser. Take the pronounciations from the first part of both words, put them together, and you get JuCae. Juicy. And I don't like Julius Caeser. For one thing, the plot s so complicating that when you summarise it and put it into text, it seems... the whole thing is abrupt.

And... I forgot what I wanted to complain about. How could I forget what I wanted to complain about?! Fine, I shall just recount what happened today, then. Note that, for the most part, I was completely sane.

When I just left school with Shuting I phoned Lanyuan and the first words out of my mouth were, "Hey, I know by large that I shouldn't start screaming like a banshee the moment you answer the phone, but WHY CAN'T YOU SKIP SWIMMING LESSON?!" To which the reply was, "Huh?" I can't guarantee I was completely sane at that point. I had, after all, just finished rehearsing the whole 6 minute speech to the teacher, and then froze the death in the lab.

I wore my jacket for the whole day, with the exception of 2 minutes in class. That's a new record of weirdness, even for me. I actually paid some attention in class today, and did my work when teacher said to. Well, not chinese, that's impossible, but for the most part, yes. Again, this is unusual, and I wonder what's happening to me and my (original!) weirdness.

When walking home, I got an sms (from Lanyuan, about he seeing Mrs Chong) and I took out my phone, then there was this guy beside me who went, "Wa, nice phone," And to which I replied, "Ha." (May I point out that I have tried making conversations with younger people, and their replies, all of them, consisted of a 'who-are-you, do-i-know-you' glare, matched with silent treatment. I now understand why they don't answer me, but I swear I didn't glare or cold-shoulder him, because that's mean, especially when you're trying to be friendly. Trust me on this.)

Then, "What brand?"
Me, "Nokia,"
And then I sped up and crossed the junction. Under my block, there was this half-naked pooch thing, which was plenty cute at first, until it attempted to follow me when I tried to skirt round it to get to the lift. I said "No," twice, but it didn't exactly take any notice, and I was sending telepathic missiles to the Indian guy checking his mail box, which went along the lines of, "Hurry up, there's a pooch thing which wants to chase me!"

Then as he was about to go into the lift I cut his path and ran straight in (so thatI could put some distance btw myself and the pooch), and then I said sorry.

Yeah, so that's the typical coming-back-from-school day for you.

By the way, if you were to get somebody to paint you a perfect picture, what would that picture be? Like, who, where, when, what...?

I seriously wanna know. Post answers? (:

| so spoken! @ 8:47 PM|


Saturday, July 29, 2006

-To the gals-

Somebody wrote this on the orchestra room white board some time ago:

Girls note this:

find arms that will hold you at your weakest,
eyes that will see you at your ugliest,
and a heart that will love you at your worst
then you have found true love

- Credit to the person who wrote it there

| so spoken! @ 10:53 PM|


Friday, July 28, 2006


I can't believe it's the weekend again.

| so spoken! @ 9:45 PM|


Thursday, July 27, 2006

-I got a jar of dirt!!-

I'm sick today, stayed home today~

La de da.


| so spoken! @ 9:38 PM|


Tuesday, July 25, 2006


For a few seconds, close your eyes and listen. Can you hear alot of noises? Now, really listen, strain your ears to hear the footsteps of everyone in the house, to hear the squeaky recording being played upstairs, to hear the sharp noises of stiletto heels closeby. Get the idea already? Keep it swimming in your mind. Now devour this; we humans can only hear noises at such low frequency and all [I think I got the words wrong, but you get my meaning, don't you?]
I mean, along the lines of dolphins and bats, we are pretty pathetic. Our eardrums can only pick up sounds which are... well, the sounds you hear everyday. Can you imagine how many other sounds you would be able to pick up if you had dolphin senses? All those high pitch noises and all, all those out of our range of hearing, maybe even three, four times more than what we hear now. I wonder.

And, guys subconsciously think of sex every 6 seconds (ew). I don't want to come close the being a guy. When I get reincaranated or anything, I want to be a girl. And I should hang around girls more often (more often that usual, which is saying something) too. Yeah.
Do guys even think of anything else? I mean, yeah, alot of them have social etiquettes and social knacks the size of a teaspoon and all. I'm not saying they all do, just some. And some really don't know how to talk to other people, they just say all the wrong things and end up insulting everybody, don't you feel so? Okay, I should just stop here, or no guys will ever visit my site again.

I have decided that I am going to do well for my End-of-year results, though I really have no idea how I am going to go about achieving it. If you think about it, yeah, way easy, just study. But if you think deeper a little, come on, who would read through textbooks like kehlyn / me / ckt goes through books? Not very many, I'm sure. And you have to understand concepts, memorise definitions.
I mean, in books, they bring you to a whole new world. In textbooks, sure, they have a whole new world in stall for you too. A new world where everything is made out of complicating equations, where the world wouldn't stand without the exact definitions and formulas, where the sky would come crashing down on you whenever you wrote a horrible composition, and where police would swoop down, catch you and lock you up if you made a grammar mistake. What a wonderful to live in, don't you think?
Of course, the sky would still crash down on me if I ever wrote myself a horrible composition. Or maybe I would just kill myself.
So yeah, not so easy, huh. But maybe if I take the world thing seriously, I might actually do rather well for my EOY grades. Pray for me, yeah?

2 more things about 14-year-old girls I can never achieve:
-- fainting guys at a glance and killing them at their fingertips
-- super good grades, and they still go out and all

| so spoken! @ 10:08 PM|


Monday, July 24, 2006


Changed battery for watch, then decided to take a childish turn. So in the end I bought ice cream and turned the $1-crank thing. Hahah. Since these are supposed to be the best years of life, why not make the best of it?

I left my liu qin in school... Which was a big pity because I left my tuner in there too, and now I can't tune the old one at home, and I can't play the great song I learnt over the weekend.

| so spoken! @ 6:39 PM|


Saturday, July 22, 2006


Chinese Orchestra
Editorial / Publishing club
Chinese Orchestra (outside)
Tuition (EMS)

The thought of 6 activities, 6 days, is just nothing short of scary.

| so spoken! @ 11:19 AM|


-Shut up, but I eat you anyway-

I wonder if the big fish meant to eat the small fish, or just cradle it in its mouth. Maybe he meant to eat it, but since it didn't taste good or something, it just let it... reside... in it's mouth. Yeah, that's it.

| so spoken! @ 11:15 AM|


Friday, July 21, 2006

-Shut up or I eat you.-

Enter stage right [/hungry]
"I wanna eat... Hmm..."

Enter stage left [/hungry]
"... I'm hungry. Where's the carrots?"

"Ohhh, rabbit!"
"I hear smthing.... What's that rustling?"
[/mouth watering] "Grrr..."

[/startled] "OMG"
"RAWR, say your prayers, you sorry excuse for a bunny, abomination! DIE, carrot-nibbler!"

(Curtains close, and open)

"Wolf tastes great, really, why didn't I try it earlier?"


I have way too much time on my hands.

| so spoken! @ 7:00 PM|


Thursday, July 20, 2006

-Tomorrow, today, yesterday-

Tomorrow, today, yesterday

Maybe, if I slowed down my thoughts by aaalooooottt, I would be moving so slow I would be going backwards, like pressing backwards on a recorder. Then I can return to P6 and redo my PSLE, and then I would get a T-score of say, 240. 250 sounds excellent too. And then I would have applied for Anderson, Anglican, Swiss Cottage... Yeah.

siht ekil epyt ot evah dluow i neht. Not easy. And maybe I have too much time on my hands, too. Anyway. It's late, soooo. Yup.

| so spoken! @ 9:50 PM|


Wednesday, July 19, 2006

-Grassroots Center-

I think that we are going to be rolled, stomped and tossed aside, seriously. I'm so so so tired, I still have to write a practice speech for tomorrow, and I'm thinking of doing a battle-of-the-sexes speech, like the one ChunMei did in P6, which really flew. With everyone, even the guys. Well yeah, they got really really mad, because she had all points against them.
So. Something against football, which is almost as good as popping guys one in the jaw. Hmm. Football, is weird. You see a twenty-four grown man running like four-year-olds, chasing after one crummy, muddy ball in this field, and they are all so rich. They are rich from kicking a ball around the field: one crummy ball.
Plenty to write about.

| so spoken! @ 7:55 PM|


Monday, July 17, 2006


School. Is draining. I don't know why I feel so tired, and I haven't done any homework to start with, and it's already 5:15. I really should start, you know.

| so spoken! @ 5:19 PM|



hello to...


**Please do not pay attention to the picture as it will make you gag the next time you drink water and think of my blog. I don't want people to choke and die because of me and my darling blog.

| so spoken! @ 5:11 PM|


Sunday, July 16, 2006

-Accomplish this!!-

Things I must accomplish:

☺ Get really really good EOY grades
☺ Get a book published
☺ Get my book into the bestseller list [by 2016]
☺ Record a song with my sister
☺ Learn to play the piano up to Grade 4
☺ Master Canon in D
☺ Earn enough in part-time work to bring my family to Paris
☺ First, get a really good part-time job
☺ Get a puppy
☺ Open a library with TengPing
☺ Open a vetenarian with Shuting and Ken
☺ Write to a magazine and get my work published, and to have my name in print
☺ Be a big-time magazine editor / work in a magazine company
☺ Write freelance, and get a good paycheck for it
☺ Host a party
☺ Get invited to a party
☺ Fall out of love, then fall in love
☺ Be highly respected
☺ Get invited as a VIP to an important event
☺ Get hired to write an important article for a newspaper
☺ Confidence
☺ To grow taller

| so spoken! @ 8:37 PM|


-another weekend gone-

I don't get it. I really don't. I mean, it was just Monday! It was just there, looming out at me like I was some kind of intruder, and then suddenly I am looking at another Monday entirely (albeit still leering and looming), and in two months time I'm turning 14. What's up with that?

My impression of 14 was always these tall group of girls with long flippy hair, really really confident, greek-goddess beautiful (Note the high cheek bones, not the ancient part), and were really cool, with their dress sense and their sensibility and all. You had to respect them. They were 14. They were going to be sixteen in two years. There's like this invisible line between 13 and 14... and between 12 and 13. 13 is the middle line.

When I was 12 I really looked forward to being 13, and when nearing my birthday, I would tell people I was 'turning 13', and not '12'. 12 seemed to go by so painfully slowly (yeah, maybe it was because I looked forward to 13), and suddenly 13 is zipping by me so fast I hardly have time to register it.

Will I feel different when I'm 14? What would it be like? Would I be as confident in my steps, as cool, as beautiful, as spunky? I don't think so. For one thing, I suddenly feel really, really young, and everything is looming up above me, and everyone's talking down to me, because I'm 6, and I can't handle anything. I'm 6, and I look up at those 14-year-olds and think, "Woah, they're 14!"

13 is the middle line, and I'm crossing over.

Crossing over, and I don't know what to do with my life still.

| so spoken! @ 7:59 PM|


Thursday, July 13, 2006

-nthng happened today?-

Nothing much happened today... Except that Miss Meera got chased out of our class for who-knows-what reasons. We were quiet (no, really!) and besides, she had sent half the class outside. The class was relatively peaceful, in fact. She told us to do work, then went out the door and didn't come back. Ah well. I wonder why.

(Mainly Shakespear-ean works)

[There is no critisism in any of my writing here, there is no real dislike, nothing serious at all. If you don't want to read it, fine then, don't. Freedom of thought.]

There's lit tomorrow again. We're doing the Merchant of Venice, which is supposed to be a comedy. No, seriously. A comedy. Well yeah, people then had a very different sense of humour from us since they come from a different era from us and all, but still... Funny.

A guy threatening to cut off a pound of flesh from another guy is funny. The same guy who is discriminated because he's Jew. In then end the (disguised) judge said that only the pound of flesh is mentioned, but not a drop of blood must fall. I don't find it funny, really. In fact, it's on a rather serious note, isn't it...? What with the blood and the flesh and all the merchants.

And, if this is known to be funny, I do wonder, if someone had a time machine and brought someone from that era here to read (modern) comics, watch (modern) comedies, and live our lives, in this time... Would they die laughing?

Things must have been kinda dry back then, if this is considered funny.

Romeo and Juliet?

Romeo seems like a completely weird fickle to me, I mean, what kind of guy is in love with a girl for soooo long, then falls instantaneously in love with another girl at first sight at a party? Juliet is completely emotional. There are alot, alot of emotions compiled into one paragraph devoted to her alone. I wonder how she manages to feel them all at once. I guess not everyone has the emotional limitations of a teaspoon.

I wonder what life was like back then, in the time, in that space...

There are rivaling families. They keep saying they want to die, keep thinking of death and all... Especially when it comes to love and pride. And they are so compeltely devoted to people they met for a day (in this case, Paris), and they fight alot, and it seems like there is alot of death. There are alchemists who sell poisons at their shops, and Friars who give girls 42-hour sleeping potions. Makes me wonder. That era wasn't exactly a bowl of cherries, was it..?

Yeah the ending was sweet and all... Would you kill yourself for somebody you've known for only awhile..? Even if that person's your wife...?

I don't know, maybe Shakespeare would, maybe alot of people would, even.
Again, not everyone has the generousity the size of a teaspoon.

| so spoken! @ 8:30 PM|


Tuesday, July 11, 2006

-Rain rain, come again another day-

School was the usual. Mr Lau got erm, sort of angry with us again, but then it was our fault wasn't it? I think it would be better, though, if he took a break from scolding and screaming at us. Maybe we would be better behaved, and actually listen to one of his lessons.

Anyway, we had to run our Napfa 2.4 today, and halfway thruogh it started raining. I couldn't see anything at all, and I was sopping wet. Rain is very much colder than it looks. My ponytail was hanging down like rats' tails, and I was really really wet. I had run 3 rounds! (half of what is expected)

Maybe, if I'm lucky, I'll get a low fever and can skip school, prefably until Friday!

| so spoken! @ 6:52 PM|


Monday, July 10, 2006

-2 tests in a Day-

Vocab Test - Left 3 blanks (which I found extremely maddening) out of 25 questions *yay*
Lit Test - No blanks, but I think I got one question wrong

All in all... I guess they were pretty much fine. I knew I wouldn't regret giving up 3 hours of computer to the books! Anyway... I had to bring home so many books today and my bag is splitting at the seams (literally).

Miss See: Bernice do you intend to leave those books there?
Me: Huh? (I really forgot)
Her: Under your table
Me: OH. right. [ohh THOSE books]

It occured to me that my world has been going in circles these few weeks.
Like, on a [excluding homework, meals, tv, computer, etc]

Monday: dread tomorrow, wait for the weekend
Tuesday: dread tomorrow, wait for the weekend
Wednesday: dread tomorrow, wait for weekend
Thursday: dread tomorrow, wait for weekend
Friday: completely knackered. week finally OVER.
Saturday: do homework, knackered, computer, computer, computer
Sunday: happy, and then dread monday towards the evening

Are you noticing a pattern yet....?

And then, I told myself that at recess, I wouldn't eat anything, I absolutely have to cut back. I swear I'm not anorexic or bulimic or anything, I just feel it's time to cut back. And then I bought a bowl of noodles.
Fine then, I would just skip lunch for a day, or have a little bit of non-greasy, non-salty food (or goo). We walked into McDonalds and I got a LARGE packet of fries. So much for cutting back, huh?

In case you're wondering, yeah, fries are both salty and greasy. In the extreme, no less.

| so spoken! @ 6:43 PM|


Sunday, July 09, 2006


I just finished typing out all the words that are coming out in the Vocabulary test tomorrow! I feel like I've been typing hundreds and hundreds of words (anad maybe I have).

Tomorrow is almost doom. I can't imagine taking a lit test and a vocab test on the same day... And the chinese homework. Oh, scream, save me.

| so spoken! @ 8:24 PM|



Went to perform at the main school yesterday.

Never, never ever, wear unbroken-in heels for more than two hours. Really. All that could come out of my mouth were variations of ow, and we were moving like snails across the yard.

The costume was kinda nice and all, but silk doesn't exactly suit people who have to stand in a musty backstage for a long time...

| so spoken! @ 8:19 PM|


Thursday, July 06, 2006

-debate + 3 hours of non-stop 'hit's-

Do you know what, small class debates are fun, after you get over the initial phobia that everyone is looking at you. But those where you gotta go in front of the whole school and say your bit? Yeah, that doesn't really fly with me. What happened the last time I tried to speak to the whole school?

Oh yeah, I dropped the mike, I dropped my notes, nobody could hear me, and my notes were too short. Woodgrove, condusive corner, Primary6, Speaker's Corner Finale. Remember now? I don't think I will be doing public speaking again anytime soon.

I am so completely knackered though. Well you would be too! I spent the whole of last night doing homework and typing out compos. (Basically: Type, type, save, delete, repeat.) And then this afternoon we had three hours of non-stop orchestra. I fell asleep on my qin, then only woke up because I nearly fell off my seat.

| so spoken! @ 8:59 PM|


Sunday, July 02, 2006


The real joys of fishing:

..... Are you so sure we can fish something out of that rug?

A rabbit fish! (I didn't know rabbits lived in purple rugs though)
I don't think you can get anything else out of there...

Either I have a killer fishing rod, a magical rug, or maybe we're just going crazy.

Definitely going crazy. Or maybe we have a rock band living in my rug. A rock band of microscopic insects who like playing guitars, who have pet rabbits, and own a gun.


There's a big black thing sticking onto my back! Help me, help me!!

Thanks to
= Shuting
= Kaylin
= My camera

| so spoken! @ 10:48 AM|


Saturday, July 01, 2006

-And... Action... CLICK!-





I changed my blogskin! (Actually it's the old one. Yeh.)
Sorry the links are taking up so much space.. Must find a way to compress it somehow. And, by the way, Adrianne the Hamster is taking a break from attention, and is residing at the bottom of the posts. =)

(I have an Archive list now!)

| so spoken! @ 10:47 PM|
