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Thursday, August 31, 2006

-To-do for the hols-

To-Do List for the Sept Hols

- Ice-skating
- Friday-night debate show
- Geog project
- Maths / geog homework
- Sept party
- Date with Sophie
- Outing with P6 clan
- Finish my story
- Study
- Shopping for common-place notebooks
- Library
- Buy a CD to treat myself (for my improved results!)
- Buy an alarm clock
- Buy a book for a change
- Buy black pens
- Get more calligraphy markers
- Get pressie for Sophie
- Train Kripsie to lvl 42
- Watch a movie!!
- Stay up until 3am mapling

I sort of remember them saying this was a holiday?

| so spoken! @ 6:50 PM|


-Teachers day-

Released so late today. But still reached Woodgrove at 2+. Hmm. Still not so bad, we got to see all the teachers and everything. And we went into our classrooms to reminice like old people who are about to kick the bucket.

Went to Mrs Chong's house afterwards, and then to the library. We must really go out sometime in the hols.

Got report card back too. My average marks improved by 10 marks, and I passed my chinese! *YAY*

| so spoken! @ 6:43 PM|


Wednesday, August 30, 2006


I was looking for interesting stuff I might have forgotten in my documents -- and look what I found! Hahaa.. Wrote this a long time back...

As she sat on the wooden pier
Her bared and undeniable fear
And the dripping of her silent tears

She sat there all through the night
Through the rain
In her lonely plight

Wondering why it had to be this way
Why it couldn’t be easy
Until the first light of day

She scrambled to her feet
Walking up to the house
Watching to see if her stepmother was around

When there was only silence
She slowly walked up to the fence
Slowly turning round the bend

Until she was seen by the unseen
She cried her silent tears again
Watching her stepmother’s eyes gleam

Stuck in the basement
As the day wore on
Pooled in her heart was only resentment

Trust in her stepmother
Three years ago was shattered
The first time she was dropped

No strings attached
A free fall through a dark abyss
On the door a solid latch

All she ever wanted
A mother to help
Now instead she’d gotten hell

Judging by her watch
Two days it had been
All she wanted to do was drink

Thirst burned like fire
Water and food her main desire
And her eyes like lead, tired

She found an old rusty knife
The same one her stepmother used
Three years ago to end a rat’s life

The blade was still sharp
It could still be used
She could end it all really soon

First her left wrist
Watching blood spill out
Feeling nothing but grief

Watching the crimson red form a puddle
At the hem of her skirt
Her hands uncontrollably shuddered

She didn’t want it to end
Not really
But this was the way it had to be

She screamed and yelled
Into the night
Startling an owl about to take flight

“Why? Why did it have to be?
I didnt do anything
And now its all going to end like this”

As she watched the blood drain from her arm
She had the calmest feeling
Although it was strange

Her vision blurred soon
But she could see clearly
The silhouette standing at the front of the room

Coming closer every second
Step by step it came
Cuddling her into her arms

“It' s time to come with me
I know you suffered much
But I promise its going to get better now,”

Her mother pulled her daughter to her feet
And suddenly her pain was gone
A sense of peace instead

As they walked on
She looked back and could see
Her own still form on the floor

As they walked on
Mother and daughter
She could see how it could all be better

| so spoken! @ 8:54 PM|


-AHHH! I saw a CLONE!-

Scientists have not ever tried cloning a human (as far as I know), but what they don't know is that I have sooo many clones in my class and my school. I was bloghopping today, and 1/3 of the tagboards I went to, I would find myself screaming in my head, "AHHH! CLONES!!"


| so spoken! @ 8:25 PM|


-weren't you the one who said-

Things that happened Today

-Spent the school hours wrapping teachers day pressies.
-Wonder how teachers would feel if they knew we used their teaching ours to wrap their pressies.
-Decorate teachers day presents.
-Went to collect certificates for the debate at the Republic Poly, just opposite my new house this Nov...
-Best part was the custards, but only had 3 before they ran out.
-Layered too much conditioner on my hair in the morning,
-Consequence: Rubberband slid off as soon as I touched it when I got home. Geez.
-Complained amply to everyone about how our school will dismiss so late tomorrow, and we would reach our primary school at 2+ (2+!!)


| so spoken! @ 6:51 PM|


Tuesday, August 29, 2006


I spent my time in class today reading comics, laughing like a crazy person, and then feeling depressed after I finished reading the Baby Blues treasury, because I started worrying about my report card, which I haven't got yet.

I'm getting it on Thursday, so I can't skip school like I planned. I thought I was getting my results today but I didn't. I wanted to buy a present for another teacher but I ran out of money, so now I'm being bankrupt. I was caught in the rain. Talk about feeling bummed.

A very nice malay woman shared her brolly with me as we crossed the road to the library. So nice of her right?? Then I didn't have to get frozen to the bone while going to library, and I didn't have to drip all over my comics either.

DOZE. That was what I was doing, other than being depressed and reaing comics under the table. And DREAM. Alot. Dream about my report card results, about Sec3 life. Not that any is in view or what. I'm just dreaming. Dream about what's about to come out of my exam, and what's to happen to me, while I was supposed to watch The Day After Tomorrow in Geog class.

That's the typical day, then.

| so spoken! @ 5:12 PM|


Monday, August 28, 2006


My Geography textbook and me are no longer on speaking terms. This is how it started, and ended.

I was on a lunch date by my lonesome self with my geog textbook, and he insisted that human population was of extreme importance. I disagreed, and that was the end of that. Now he no longer wants to speak to me, and so I no longer speak to him.

Since we are no longer on speaking terms, I have to do something else, so I dropped by the CD shop and bought When a Stranger Calls. I spent half the show screaming into my soft toy. But still. It was nice, except for the ending. I don't like the part in the hospital. But then again...

| so spoken! @ 5:50 PM|


Sunday, August 27, 2006


Movies I want to Catch
(or buy the DVD)

- Little Man (5)
- She's the Man (5)
- Love Wreck (4)
- Click! (5)
- My Super Ex-girlfriend (3)

Numbers indicate how much I want to watch the movie. Now, who's gonna bring me to watch all these movies during the Sept hols??


(Picture of no relation to post, just something I created)

My sister's kinda mad at me now. She wants to do something with me, and watching TV won't do... She says I'm getting boring, like how adults are. When we were younger, we used to coplan to each other about how boring adults were, and we would play together, in our own little world. The adults would be boring, and we would be fun.

It's one of those things which seperate adults from kids, you know. Like how kids have to eat their brocolli, adults don't. Like how kids can run around the park screaming and adults can't. Like how kids can play all day long, but adults have to work. So kids are fun, but adults are boring. See?

Yeah, I do want to spend time with her. She says all I do is play the computer, or hole myself up, and yeah, ok, that's true. But I want to watch Just Like Heaven, and I don't mind doing that with her. But she doesn't want that. I know full well what she wants, she doesn't have to tell me.

She wants to grab at that carefree time which is slowly slipping away, trickling through your fingers as quickly as you're trying to salvage what's left. And so do I, so do I. But I'm too far gone already, and she's not. She needs me to help her grasp at the last threads of those times, but I can't, not anymore. I'm not too far gone to remember, however, how we used to play.

There were fairies in the balcony, we would wake up at 3am in the morning to go look for fairies together. We would live on an island, open the tent up, and we would live in it for the rest of the time. We would fall in love with some imaginary Mr Perfect, and we would live in a castle. We were deer, and the living room was the woods, brimming with life. Stuff like that.

I stopped around pri4 or pri5, and she's this age now. What I think is that she needs to bring some friend over to play stuff like this with her, because I don't have the time, or the imagination I used to have anymore. Long ago my imagination was boundless. The living room was the forest, and yes, the living room was definitely the forest. There were no chairs, just logs. No lights, just dappled sunlight streaming past the leaves. No flooring, just mud and undergrowth. That kind of thing.

Well... Sorry I had to grw up.

I did try to dance with her, and since I was taller, I did the male role; I spun her out, she spun herself in. It would be perfect if someone else did the male part for me. Even though I am a horrible, horrible dancer. Hey, I can dream, can't I?


Then again, I do have my fairytales too.

| so spoken! @ 9:18 PM|


Saturday, August 26, 2006


Lit Fest > CWP > Home (half an hour) > Park > Dinner > HOME!

Haha, YAY, I'm home.

My cousin was chasing a frog in the park (the one who had his bdae last week, the little guy I was carrying, who held out my handphone for the camera), and my dad was chasing after him, making sure he didn't fall, and my uncle and aunt were chasing after them to take photos. He can cause a sweet chain reaction.

There were so many so many dogs in the park. Made me jealous.

I was in my own litle world the whole day. Hmm.

| so spoken! @ 9:35 PM|


Thursday, August 24, 2006


I'm crashing into a wall of maths homework, geography worksheets, literature assignments and maths tests. Wait, correction. I'm drowning in a sea of it. And I'm blogging, chatting and online. Why am I doing this to myself anyway? And why do I even bother going to school anymore if I'm just gonna sit there like a moron, staring into space and occasionally starting at loud noises?

| so spoken! @ 8:02 PM|


Wednesday, August 23, 2006


VIEWER DISCRETION PLEASE. Ages 11 and below, please no. You are just going to contaminate your mind with the poison of adulthood. Remain innocent and embrace the little joys of life.

I think the pictures are too small to see, so click to enlarge. It was a pop-up on my Internet when I was surfing around finding nice sandy lagoons. I thought it was really really funny (look at the What I am Looking For part, not the rest) and maybe sort of a desperate attempt to get someone like me to go for online dating, but hey, I think my computer needs to learn that I need more than that to be convinced.


CIP today, debate yesterday (and we lost by a freaking half point).

Debate was really cool, and I'll sort of miss everything the debate brings. You know, the laughing, the free dinners, even maybe the researching. Yeah. That too. I never really laughed like yesterday since God knows when. I had a really good time, but there was this time in p5 that I had really really good fun in too. National day. With the people I grew up with and loved. That was really great.

CIP was cool. Found loads of good books but didn't borrow any. Maybe it's a good thing I didn't. Maybe I'd actually listen in class if I don't have books to read. Maybe I'd even go to the extent of volunteering answers in class. But no... I don't think so. I'll spend my class time... drawing. Hmm. Yeah, that's about right. I can start thinking of what to draw starting... now.

Of course, I can write some more million dollar essays, just for the heck of it.

| so spoken! @ 7:37 PM|


Sunday, August 20, 2006

-Wounded Racoon-

I just noticed that I looked like a green wounded racoon in that picture. Eyeshadow smudge. Frick.

Looking at people's stuff gives you a good idea of how that person lives, and I have decided that I like the girl who is living in the place where I went to look just now. Rephrase: We went house-hunting, and I think I'd like the girl living there if I got to know her at all.

She has amazing clothes, for one thing. And good decoration sense?

| so spoken! @ 6:45 PM|



These pictures are supposed to be in the previous post, but for some reason they didn't appear, sooo...
[me and my cousins. it's my cousin who's holding my phone up, btw, not me]

Happy birthday Kyle!

| so spoken! @ 1:31 PM|


-Eagle; birdie-

It was my cousin's fourth birthday party yesterday. My eldest cousin is eight years younger than me. Yeah. I didn't manage to get a photo of my sister yesterday, but:

I shouldn't ever watch Golf.

I mean, I tried, last night, to watch a game with my father while eating maggi mee. But --hello?!-- how am I supposed to eat without laughing when someone whacks a small minute white ball around this giant field, aiming for one hole, while everybody groans and cheers at the same time? I spent the time going, "HA! He MISSED!" (not that I myself can whack a ball around this giant field aiming for a tiny hole, but still)

One more thing. I was laughing especially hard when they tabulated the scores. What with the eagles and birdies. I spent all the time laughing, thinking, "He lost his birdie! He lost his birdie!" and "HA! No more birdie! Now he can go get a boyfriend!" I was hysterical. Ok, don't judge me. I'm really not like that most of the time. Except maybe when I'm trying to watch golf.

I do play golf, very occasionally. But I don't play on the field, aiming for a tiny hole. I play on the driving range in the evenings, aiming for bats who happen to fly over, and the giant net thing at the end of the range. Not that I'm good at it, oh no. That would be the over-statement of the century.

| so spoken! @ 1:19 PM|


Friday, August 18, 2006


I have reliased that nothing turns my brains from 3 pounds of tissue to 3 pounds of mushed cheese faster than the Pythagarons Theorem. I left my maths test sparkling blank today, for about 3 minutes, just staring at my test paper, and there was this war raging in my head that went along the lines of:

1: Just hand in the frigging blank ppr.
2: no, must try.
1: but you don't know how to do.
2: hm. Must try.
1: I don't care.
2: I care. I failed all the other tests and I want to ace this.

And then something clicked in my brain and I started writing. And then I got stuck again. And then I started wondering what was the POINT. I gave up.

I've been such a horrible klutz this week. I dropped everything, I confused salt with cheese (and lumped it onto pizza), I clicked the wrong peoplef or conversations, I screwed maths up, and I screwed everything else up too.

The plus side? Well, I'm sitting at the back of class now, just beside the door. I can open and close it as I wish. HA.

| so spoken! @ 7:32 PM|


-my blog is DEAD-

My blog is like, dead. I've stopped posting nonsence I guess. Hrmph.

What is WRONG with me?!

I've seemed to have lost my sense of... of MYSELF. Geez. Let me post when I think of something.

| so spoken! @ 7:11 PM|


Tuesday, August 15, 2006


I have decided that I like Tuesdays, and that I like CIP, even if I have to shelve my hands raw, freeze my butt off, and bore myself to death, because after that there's always a few million books (or so) you familiarise yourself with. And then you can do the picking. Four out of a few million. That shouldn't be too hard, right?

And if anyone ever offers you a seat at the back of the class, in exchange for your seat, even for a day, say yes. Especially if the seat is right next to the open door. Let's just say, when it rains, you have a whole lot of wind blowing just for you, specially for you. It makes you feel special. I wonder what it feels like to have someone do something just for you., and for nobody else, and to feel like you're the only girl who ever set foot on earth...

| so spoken! @ 7:54 PM|


Saturday, August 12, 2006

-blindness; love me, hate me, love me, hate me-

Haha, ok, I'm blogging.

Went to watch the fireworks with my family and Shuting yesterday, they were really good. (And the couples all around the place, are they trying to make others jealous, or do they just really enjoy each others' company?) We had a really really good time anyway.

And I think Clarke Quay really rocks. All those nice bar-like and pub-like places that admit people below 16 or 18, and all those romantic candle-lit dinner places. Can't wait to have dinner in there... And that fountain...

I don't know what on earth we were thinking, or whether we were thinking at all or not, but in awhile we were screaming and running underneath the fountain like three six-year-olds. In the end, yeah, we got our shoes (and slippers, and trainers) all wet, but HECK, who really cares??

The day before yesterday I was at the beach with my family... And I went closer to the waterline to look at the sand (not literally. brighten up.) and then the wave suddenly came up really high and I didn't have time to hightail it. I was wearing slippers and jeans. My jeans were wet to about three inches above my ankles and my slippers were nearly dragged down. Geez. All for a little water and sand.

And then, after yesterday and the day before, today. Woke up at 11am (STOP laughing. I wake up so much later if the doorbell doesn't ring, you know?) and ate lunch before going to Kebun Baru CC to rehearse for performance. Went to McD's for lunch with Shuting, and got this McSpicy thing that really bloated me. No more burgers for the rest of this month, remind me.

The DJ at the performance place was... Hmm... Played songs you didn't exactly heard of before. Yeah. Tried to request song but was told, "Later,". So. Later never really came, if you get my drift.

Performance was great, and we met this really sweet little girl who was in Primary2, and whose english blew us away.

I think... I think I LOVE me. At least for today. The past few days were so fun and so amazing. Now who dares say I don't have a life? I have more of a life than you, that's for certain.

There, I blogged. ((=

| so spoken! @ 10:32 PM|


Monday, August 07, 2006


Don't you dare think my post title is a swear word. Go on, go look it up in a dictionary.

Scroll down, take a look at David & Leigh's work. I think it's really really good. Everybody should go buy that book, and sit home for just one day, reading it through once, then leafing through to find all their favourite parts and reading them again. Then when they're done with that, they can read it all over again. It's that good.

Ok, I'm not going to voice out what my perfect painting / drawing / picture would be, because it's too embarassing. Not that it's anything perverse. You guys need to unravel and wash your brains out, seriously. Maybe one day, when I'm feeling up to it.

I haven't blogged in quite awhile. I've sort of lost touch, and now I've got nothing to say. Well, there's always pictures, aren't there? Pictures save the day!!

| so spoken! @ 9:46 PM|


-nutsies and bugsies-

By Twinkie
I spent my summer vacation in the bughouse [nuthouse, AKA asylum.], listening to the other buggies screaming and laughing just to pass the time away. Normal people can't seem to understand how nice it is to be nuts sometimes, and that's very sad. People out there in the world of normal have to face reality every day, and reality is usually flat and grey and ugly, and time only runs in one direction, and doorknobs can't talk. A true nutso doesn't have to put up with that. We can make our world as beautiful as we want it to be, since it has to do what we tell it to do.
Isn't that neat?
In the world of nuts, nothing is real, so we can change anything we don't like. If a day is beautiful, we can make it last for a thousand years; if it's ugly, we can just throw it away. If the sun is too bright, we can send it to its room, and if the stars are too dim, we can tell them to burn more brightly, and they will, just to make us happy.
That's what makes the world of nuts so much nicer than the world of normies. Out truth wags its tail and licks our fingers; their truth snarls, and it bites.
Sometimes, sometimes, those of us in the world of nuts think about the world of the normies, and we've pretty much decided that it might be sort of fun to visit it once in awhile, but we certainly wouldn't want to live there. It's just too desperate and ugly, and the normies never seem to get the things they want, no matter how hard they try, and that's very sad.
People from the world of normies used to visit us in the bughouse now and then, but they weren't really very much fun. They always looked so serious and worried, and almost never laughed. Normies just can't even begin to see how funny it is. They couldn't seem to relax, and their eyes got all wild when the nutso down the hall started to practice screaming. Don't they know that screaming is a fine art? In the Olympic games of the world of nuts, a perfect ten scream wins you the gold medal everytime.
I've moved back to the world of normies now, and I know that I'm supposed to be serious and never laugh, but sometimes -- sometimes -- I scream a little bit, just for old times' sake. I make it a point to scream politely, though, and I always seem to sleep better after I scream.
And when I sleep, I sometimes dream of the world of nuts, and my doorknob sings to me, and my walls hold me tight, and I drift above the sky and look down at the desperate, ugly world of normies where everybody is serious and worried, and never, never, ever smiles.
And I laugh.
Excerpt from:
Regina's Song - David & Leigh Eddings

| so spoken! @ 9:26 PM|
