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Friday, September 29, 2006


1. Full name: Bernice Leong Wai Yin
2. Name backwards: Niy Iaw Gnoel Ecinreb
3. Meaning of the name: Means successful. Or light. Can't remember...
4. Nickname: Bernz. Brincie.
5. Screen name: Irreplacable
6. D.O.B: 25th Sept 1992
7. Place of birth: Singapore
8. Nationality: Singaporean
9. Current location: Rotting in front of the comp.
10. Star sign: Libra
11. Religion: NIL. [never.in.love.]
12. Height: 156. please stop laughing.
13. Weight: I'm a girl. I don't go about giving my weight.
14. Shoe size: ehhh.
15. Hair colour: black
16. Eye colour: brown
17. Who do you think u look like: Bernice
18. Innie or outtie: Innie.
19. Lefty of righty: Right, but I can only play five stones with my left.
20. Gay,straight,bi or others: Straight as a beam of light you gundu.
21. Best friends: They'll get jealous...
22. Best friends u trust most: I can't...
23. Favourite pals: Don't make me.
24. Best friend of opposite sex: Private information.
25. Best buddies: Hmmmm
26. Boyfriend of galfriend: b...e....r...n...i...c...e... HA.
27. Crush: Ssshhhh.....
28. Parents: I love them both
29. Worst enemy: I ate them.
30. Favourite online guy: His give name by me, Jamelia. His actual name? I forgot.
31. Favourite online gal: For some reason, I don't have online-girl-friends.
32. Craziest fren: Lamp.
33. Advice fren: Lamp. Mush. Fan. ALOT more.
34. Loudest friend: Hmm.
35. Person u cry with: My soft toys.
36. Any sisters: Claire
37. Any brothers: I'm glad I don't have any..
.38. Any pets: one hamster. alot of others who passed on.
39. Any disease: I'm seriously mental.
40. Pager: Nope... That's way old...
41. Personal phone line: 9123456742. Phone: Nokia!!
43. Lava lamp: I want one!
44. Pool or hot tub: Tub!
45. A car: I don't drive. =)
46. Your personality: Ask those around me. I'm not answering much, am I?
47. Driving: I don't drive...
48. Room: Green! My very own organised mess.
49. What's missing: A personal PC
50. School: Woodgrove Primary 4ever! Ohh, and Chung Cheng.
51. Bed: Green!
52. Relationship wif parents: Love them loads.
53. Believe in urself: HAHAHAAAA
54. Believe in love at first sight: not true.
55. Good listener: Yes. I think so. ASk them.
56. Get along well wif parents: Yupp
57. Save email conversations: Yes. They bring back times.
58. Pray: Occasionally
59. Believe in reincarnation: Don't really wanna think
.60. Make fun of ppl: Sometimes. Occasionally. When I'm bored.
61. Like to talk on the phone: If it's Jamelia I can convince him that his true calling is to be a girl for 2 hours on end.
62. Want to get married: Definitely.
63. Like to drive: I think I will
64. Motion sickness: Occasionally... After scrambled eggs
65. Eat stem of broccoli: They're nice, actually
66. Eat chicken wif fork: lol. yes.
67. Dream in colour: Always in colour.
68. Type wif ur fingers on home role: Huh??
69. Sleep wif stuff animals: A torn hippo, a dolphin, a star, a dog, a rabbit...
70. Next to you: Nthng. My phone would be, but it's charging.
71. On the walls of your room: Posters. And green, duh.
72. On your mousepad: the mouse?
73. Dream car: Jaguar. Convertable.
74. Dream date: 'Study' date. Sitting on the bench... Wind... Prefably evening. Just sitting together. Talking. Snuggling. Ok, enough. Stop.
75. Dream honeymoon spot: Paris. At one of those beautiful cafes outside the Eiffel.
76. Dream husband n wife: I can make a novel out of this ok.
77. Bedtime: Late. Always is.
78. Under ur bed: A hell lot of dust bunnies.
79. Single most important question: You so don't wanna know.
80. Bad time of the day: 6am. I can't see the steps. I tend to trip and roll down.
81. Your worst fear: Disappointing people.
82. The weather is: umm. not sunny... moony??
83. Time: 10: 24 p.m.
84. Date: 29 Sept.
85.Best trick did on someone: Erm... Asking my sis's friend if he was her boyfriend. He was speechless. Which meant a yes.
86. Theme song: Breathless - The Corrs
87. Hardest thing abt growing up: Really bad crushes who didn't like me back
88. Funniest experience: My life is a joke, isn't it?? Oh wait. No. It isn't. Ok.
89. Scariest experience: Thinking I saw smthing coming into the room.
90. Silliest thing u have ever said: "Am I sane?"
91. Most desperate and funniest thing u have ever done to an opposite sex: I'm no despo =)
92. Scariest thing when you are with your friends: When they start daring me to kiss smone.
93. Worst feeling: Knowing he has a girl and that I can't do anything about it.
94. Best feeling in the world: Loved. Coveted.


Kaylin. (Right back atcha!)
Jamelia! (haha okok, jeremiah)

Ok. I'm like stuck. I end here then.

| so spoken! @ 10:41 PM|



After watching savannah documentaries I gather that:

- the lions can like WALK PAST the zebra and the zebra continues eating grass
- the lions don't know any tricks, like pretend to walk past and then attack

Which kinda reminds me of the guys in our generation who:

- don't say anything when they like a girl
- don't know any tricks either, like asking a girl out before the whole bf/gf thing



| so spoken! @ 9:54 PM|


Tuesday, September 26, 2006

-hey dudettes-

First and foremost a big THANKYOU to the BEST dudettes who spent yesterday with me. Everything was great. (:

I'm sure you sang so loudly that the whole of Swensens knew there was a Bernice celebrating her birthday. And another big thankyou to all the people who wished (and sang) me a happy birthday on the phone and on msn.

Guess what, I'm 14 now! Haha. Everything feels the same...

Can I be 14 again next year??

| so spoken! @ 8:21 PM|


Friday, September 22, 2006


Nothing eventful so far; it's just that the whole if-you-get-lower-than-65-for-maths-you'll-be-forced-into-E5 is starting to bug me. I got 64 for my maths in CA2. I need 1 mark. I want a 70, then I can get straight into E1. 5 marks different. 1 careless mistake in a 5-mark question and there goes pure bio.

What the frick.

| so spoken! @ 9:02 PM|


Tuesday, September 19, 2006

-No more, no more-

STATEMENT: People should not take more than 2 sips of any alcoholic drink after reaching home from the library, even if it IS 80 degrees out there, and it's cold, and tastes really, really good. (Let alone one full bottle, even if it IS only 5% alcohol)


1) You'll feel good for awhile, then comes the flushing. Looks like some infected sunburn.
2) After 1 hour, you start to get a minor headache
3) After a few minutes more, that minor headache explodes into a full-blown one
4) Your head will be too heavy to lift. So you lie there like an injured cocoon for awhile.
5) You'll spend say, 4 hours afterwards with a splitting headache watching Charmed DVDs because you can't concentrate on work.


| so spoken! @ 9:30 PM|


Thursday, September 14, 2006

-The Sad Story V1-

The Sad Story, V1

Broken, sceraming, crying, pained
Suffering under the evil's reign
Hated, despised, kept enslaved
In the end she walked on suicide's lane

It's a sad sad story, really
A broken girl, crying for all to see
Nowhere to run, nowhere to go
Nobody even cares, she was told

She was slowly breaking apart
Torn, her lonely desolate heart
Nobody heard her cry
Towards her everyone was selectively blind

Broken, screaming, crying, pained
After awhile she wasn't completely sane
Hated, despised, held enslaved
Dead, the girl who had cried softly in the rain

.Kaylin and Bernice.
.The Wifiiees.

| so spoken! @ 9:10 PM|


Monday, September 11, 2006

-The Great Rift-

The Great Rift
by Bernice, Sept11

Sometimes we don't do our work. Sometimes we don't bother handing up stuff. Even when we say we want to do well (and DO want to do well), the adults don't believe us anymore. "If you really want to do well," They (always) say, "You'll do you work, hand in homework and actually study," Of course they say much more, and of course it sounds more severe, but that's about the main gist of things, see?

What I've come up with is that there is a Great Rift being driven between us and the adults, seperating us so that they can never understand that we want to do well when we're hammering on the computer, firing up MSN, internet pages, games.


That's all there is. One of the Great Differences. We have to eat the mucky green stuff on our plates called vegetables, they don't. We need to play or else die of deprivation, they don't. We can run around screaming bloody murder, they can't. We just have more pressing stuff on our minds besides work in its own. Adults love work. Or something close to that, anyway.

Work before play, work before leisure, work before books, work before TV, before crushes, before clothes, before outings. They live a life of work. Living is one thing, survival another thing completely. We live, we survive, then we live. (Follow? School, work, retirement.)

Basically, work comes before everything besides family. So they think it's the same for us. But it isn't, really. Not much. Actualy not by a far cry. See, we do care about our work. We do want to improve. We want to top our class. Here's the problem: They can't believe us anymore. They probably forgot what it was like.

I mean, "for your own good". I can understand that. But "work before everything else"? What's THAT? That phrase hardly exists in my limited kiddy-volcabulary. And my brain refuses to absorb that information. Hardly even close.

So there it is, the Great Rift.

Haunting the human existance. Stalking. Then when you get your report boko back --

WHAM. It's like their lectures drove you into a brick wall, and then slowly rubbing you so hard on the grindstone that skin comes off, layer after layer, until only a raw, skinless existance remains.

I know work supports us, but hey, this is not about supporting us. This is about how adults want us to put work in front of us like they do, but except it's different. They're work comes first, and they expect yours to too. The thing is, we've got alot to do too. And if we want to survive, we can, anytime. But right now, we're living. And that's fine. That's Nature's Order, and we'll all turn out fine.

We always do.

It's embedded in our kiddy blood; the decoding thumping in uor veins, our life story whispering its song into our unlistening ears. We have to excel. Do our best. But first, there's always life. Life before survival. Like larvae before mosquitoes. Saplings before trees. There's always school life before work. And that's how it is. Always will be.

And one day we'll be adults. Our childhood flushed down the forsaken drain of time, whoosing away, down, down, down in the dark abyss of infinite nothingness while we try to grasp at the last remnants of what was.

Then we'llf orget about the Great Rift. We'll not be able to understand why our own kids have to play, why they can't get a grip and start studying their guts out.

But that's the way it has to be.

It just is.


(This is written by me. Please do not steal or 'borrow' unless credit is given. This has been a selective reading. If you have read it, and don't like it, please don't hold it against me.)

| so spoken! @ 5:52 PM|


Sunday, September 10, 2006

-Maple Shot-

One Maple shot. Plenty coming up. Don't you think the picture looks like canvas? I like that so much~

Gonna do plenty more =)

| so spoken! @ 7:46 PM|


-Last few hours-

Last few hours of the school holidays, are we going to countdown? Well, I'm not. I cant wait. I definitely can wait.

I am not looking forward to hours of sitting in class, bored out of my cracked and tortured skull, trying to concentrate on stuff I'm not interested in while people all around me try to play basketball with scrunched-up paper and the waste paper bin. Seriously, are they all that deprived?

| so spoken! @ 1:53 PM|


Saturday, September 09, 2006

-heartattack, embolism, whatever.-

Heart attack, embolism, whatever. You name it, I probably had it when I saw my blog stats this morning. Stats are way, way down. I'm talking about a drop from 34 visitors to 10, in a span of say, 2 days. I should do something about it.

Have you ever watched television and wondered if your fate is about the same as the people on TV? I never did, not really. But I did hit upon my very own analasys (dunno if I spelt that right) that we have as much control in our lives as the actors and actresses do, only maybe a little more.

Actors are told what to do, and they do it. They can't control the things other people say about them. Stuff like that. They don't have choices though, but we sort of do. A little. Unless you're talking about fate here, then maybe not.

When I sat on my bed last night after reading, well, Fate seemed to have played alot in my life. And if so, I'm as good as an actress on TV.

You know, maybe that's why I don't watch much TV.

Computers are that much better.

| so spoken! @ 11:06 AM|


Thursday, September 07, 2006


How to Piss your RoomMate off:

8. Arrange thirteen toothbrushes of different colors on your dresser. Refuse to discuss them.

64. Create an imaginary cat for a pet. Talk to it every night, act like you're holding it, keep a litter box under your desk. After two weeks, say that your cat is missing. Put up signs in your dorm, blame your roommate.

75. Give each of your walls a different name. Whenever you can't answer a problem, ask each of your walls. Write down their responses, then ask your ceiling for the final answer. Complain to your roommate that you don't trust your ceiling.

87. Buy Sea Monkeys and grow them. Name one after your roommate. Announce the next day that one died. Name another one after your roommate. The next day say that it died. Keep this up until they all die.

107. Every time you enter the room, sit in a chair, lean back too far, and fall over backwards. Laugh hysterically for about ten minutes. Then, one day, repeat the falling-over exercise, but instead of laughing, get up, look at the chair sternly, and say, "It's not funny anymore."

110. Keep a hamster as a pet. Buy a blender, and make milkshakes every day. Then, one day, get rid of the hamster. Make a shake using a lot of ketchup. When your roommate comes in, look at the shake, look at the empty cage, and tell your roommate, "I was curious."

124. Paint abstract paintings, and title them things like, "Roommate Dying in a Car Crash," and "Roommate Getting Whacked in the Head with a Shovel." Comment often about how much you love the paintings.

Know that I never recommend something unless it's good.

| so spoken! @ 9:25 PM|


-Havta go SCHOOL ><-

The ultimate evolution of Man. Ah well.

It's the last two days of the holidays. What am I going to do? Well first I've got to go with nature's flow of evolution and stick in front of the computer, but hey, that's basically what I'm doing now.

Then I have to go back to school for awhile... Will be expected to actually 'improve' on my liuqing skills. Actually play well for once, and tell the teacher, "HEY I practiced!!", when in fact... well, let's just keep that to myself. But whatever. I think it's actually better to stick in front of the computer. No talk about lack of practice and whatnot.

The last two days of the holidays and I haven't completed everything on my to-do list that I planned to. Numero uno being ice-skating, which I was sort of looking forward to, but now there's no time.

(And, in the background, I haven't even started on my homework. But honestly, which one of you has actually completed ALL your homework and packed your bag ready for school??)

In conclusion, Man should have the powers and abilities to skip school.

And just sit in front of the computer everyday.


Going extinct.

Way to be optimistic.

(credit to www.spicyjoke.com for the few pictures on this post)

| so spoken! @ 11:46 AM|


Wednesday, September 06, 2006


I actually updated the template. Something new in the Links section. =)

| so spoken! @ 9:36 PM|



Too lazy to type much, so while I look for the phone-computer connection cable to transfer the Twister pictures over...

| so spoken! @ 7:18 PM|


Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Since pictures can talk... Let 'er rip. (please notice the make-up, because that's the whole point)

| so spoken! @ 12:09 PM|


Sunday, September 03, 2006

-Boredom Maths-

waking up at noon + layering nails with polish + badminton-ing + falling + teaching badminton to younger cousin + dinner = a very exhausted, albeit happy, bernice

My long, long equation equates to a somewhat happy me. It just goes to prove that when someone wakes up at noon, it is possible for that person to feel tired at 10pm. I've been awake for... 10 hrs. And I'm ready to fall back into a deep deep sleep.

What is my problem? Well, that's a good question. I ask myself to same thing everyday.

[WARNING: Please stop reading here if you're not feeling so good. You might puke or something, and I really don't want you to puke on your keyboard, you know?] Is it possible for a person to die due to thought overload? Maybe the thoughts are so many, so dense and so intense that they clog up the person's blood circulation to the brain, and tomorrow the person would be found dead, with no reason except for the clotting of blood on the way down to the heart from his brain.

That would be kind of nice though, don't you think? A nice new way to kill yourself, I mean. I might have gone a little crazy due to too much sun, maybe, but listen to what I have to say. If someone wanted to kill themselves, they would no longer have to jump down a building and end up crshed, bloodied and flattened.

Instead, all they have to do is to think about all their problems at once, and wonder if their future is secured, whether or not insurance will cover yada yada... And then suddenly -- POOF -- they're on the floor dead, their eyes clouded over with worry and their face white as a sheet due to the worry that insurance might not cover if a plane crashed into their building.

What's wrong with me? And should I continue?

Alot of people who don't want to be dead would be found dead, however. People who have too much worry on their minds and stuffs. Like, if someone really had something worth thinking about. But then they would be found dead the next morning, mouth gaping with worry, worry lines in their faces not meant to be there for the next twenty years, neck bulging due to the blood that needed to go down, but was prevented due to the clogging.

I should really stop now, yeah. I'm getting too graphic for myself, even.

On the bright side, I read 2 Fearless books today. And besides all that graphic stuffs, I'm somewhat in a good mood still.

Something is defniitely wrong with me.

| so spoken! @ 9:54 PM|



It's a typical weekend. You know, the sun is shining, the house is so peaceful, there's no hectic rush for school... Bernice wakes up at 12 noon and starts announcing it to everyone... You know, the normal, every-day kind of weekend. Yeah.
Been at church the last two days, and the people there are really really friendly. Why is there nothing to blog about? Geez. I think my creativity just went down a few hundred notches or something.

| so spoken! @ 1:21 PM|
