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Thursday, November 30, 2006

-eats you-

Why is there no website that I can watch full episodes of Drake and Josh on? I mean, youtube is ok, but all there is is segments and such. And not many full episodes.

*dreamy look*



| so spoken! @ 4:53 PM|


Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Goldminer highscore (i know, i know, still); 38763.


Beat THAT ;D

| so spoken! @ 9:27 PM|


Monday, November 27, 2006


Top few reasons why you should hug TREES and not people.

- Trees don't care how many months ago it was that you have showered
- Trees shelter you from falling missiles, torpedoes and meteors
- Trees let you hug them for as long as you like
- Trees don't run away and avoid you
- Trees won't mind if you hug other trees
- Trees don't mind if you hug it forever

Top few reasons why you should hug someone else and not a tree.

- Trees don't care about anything whatsoever
- Provided there ARE falling missiles, torpedoes and meteors.. The tree (and you) will be the last to know
- Trees don't hug you back
- Trees don't run, but trees aren't worth the trouble either
- No negative to this one, except for termites
- Hugging forever means no getting to the interesting stuff
- Trees don't keep you warm
- Trees don't sms you to tell you how much they enjoy your company
- Trees don't give you that smile
- Trees don't give you minor heartattacks or the fuzzies
- Trees don't make you act stupid (even if hugging a tree IS stupid)

What in the world is wrong with me?!

| so spoken! @ 11:05 PM|


Saturday, November 25, 2006


PeiFang's birthday yesterday, went iceskating with her. I've come back with battle scars this time.

Two giant bruises on my knees. =/
They sure don't look pretty.

I'm losing my originality as a nocturnal creature as I slept at only a littple past midnight last night. Let's just hope I don't become a clone.

| so spoken! @ 6:51 PM|



Happy Feet is fish. If you watched it you'll geddit.

And I'm partially (to completely) invisible :D

| so spoken! @ 6:50 PM|


Thursday, November 23, 2006

-Little Bitch Riding Hood-

Say hello to LittleBitchRidingHood. Meant the theme to be little red riding hood, but after I used purple for the hair... Well. Welcome to the city, LittleRed. I mean LittleBitch. Actually I don't know what the hell I mean because I'm getting tired. Anyway, for the benefit of everyone... It's not completed.

No bangles, no touchups, no shoes; it's not half-done. (Explains the palette I didn't bother removing) But still. I love the hair. I dont know why but it didn't come out very nicely. I think its the format I saved it in. Shit.

I'll complete it tomorrow. I can never get the shoes right.

| so spoken! @ 1:16 AM|


Wednesday, November 22, 2006

-Saying hello-

Pictures of Vivo

Kaylin, Jenny, Me
left -----------> right

Foot order: Me, Jenny, Kaylin. And the SLIPPER RACE. i was winning but kaylin's slippers overtook mine.
so... ahwell. And then the completely random objects start:

| so spoken! @ 10:21 AM|


Tuesday, November 21, 2006

-I'm Bond. James Bond.-

Tell me something. How can someone set an alarm for 9:30am in the morning and then wake up at noon? Well. I did just that, and I don't know how.

Was supposed to meet Peifang, Kaylin and Jenny at noon on the Yishun MRT platform. I woke up at noon, because my sister jumped on my bed to pull my blankets. Or something to that effect, so she says. Yeh well. Peifang couldn't make it and Kaylin was late. So Jenny had to wait for us on the platform. Yikes, sorry... =/

Went to Vivo (again) to watch CasinoRoyale. It's a nice show, but it's not the kind of show you'd like to watch again. We went in like fifteen minutes late, but we got in just in time so I guess that was ok then. We managed to skip all those commercials and get straight to the chase. Sweet. Didn't have lunch (duh. i woke up at noon and started running first thing in the morning. i mean... afternoon. GAH you know what i mean.) so bought a jumbo hotdog and giant coke. And a packet of chips.

Went to the water feature after that. One pool was too shallow, one smelt of urine and one was murky. Ahwell. We walked around in the shallow one for a little. Then in the end we sat at the edge of the murky-water-pool and just stayed there talking for awhile. Will upload pictures tomorrow, phone battery won't last that long without my charger. (your phone would run out of battery too if it rang from 9:30 - noon)

I'm starting to get a little tired of Vivo. But hey. The water feature's still great.

| so spoken! @ 7:45 PM|


Sunday, November 19, 2006


Ok. It's 1:23am right now. What am I doing online? Ohh, that's a good question. I'm just chatting and doing nothing.

| so spoken! @ 1:31 AM|



| so spoken! @ 1:31 AM|


Thursday, November 16, 2006


Life kinda sucks right about now. If being crazy means getting what you want, being crazy sounds nice right now.

If you're crazy you can have plenty of friends, nobody can talk behind your back, nobody can say you're ugly, because they're mops and brooms and stuffs. They don't get offended and you can say whatever the hell you want, and they'll just smile back and say, "Uh huh, yeah? Ohh really?" And if you need light you can ask the sun to come up, and the stars to shine brighter a little, and they will, just for me.

And I can have this nice comfortable room with padded walls and ceilings, and I can just laze about anywhere I want to, without having to fear whacking my head on the hard corner of the wall. I won't miss my friends because they will come to visit me and tell me about school.

Ohh, and of course if I'm crazy I don't have to worry about maths and all. But I can still read Macbeth, can't I? No, I can make the broom read Macbeth to me and explain to me exactly what it means so I don't have to interpret it myself. I can make the mop dim the lights so I can listen to Macbeth until I fall asleep. I'll get the stars to wink to me and tell me everything is alright.

I can get the mop to read to me in the mornings and the broom to sing to me at night. And the lights to talk to me in the evenings when I'm having dinner. And just before I sleep and before the Macbeth story starts, I'll complain to everyone there in the room with me about how much maths sucks. (Which is why I'm not studying about it anymore, see?)

And then maybe some days I would be bored and start some sort of shouting communication thing, maybe. Like yell to the person in the cell next door, and she will tell me all about what goes on in her room, how her mop and broom friends are holding up, how well everybody is treating her, how good it is that she doesn't have to study anymore... And I'll say the same thing. I'll tell her everything is alright and how the broom reads Macbeth to me...

And I can sing Britney Spears songs with them. And they'll like it.

By the by. I forgot my subject combination. I looked at it and went, "Screw it," and didn't bother looking anymore. So now I have to go back and look again. How sucky is that?

I don't want to go to school anymore. Life won't be too good when school starts.

I was under the impression that holidays were to be enjoyed.

| so spoken! @ 11:21 PM|


-my blog is dead-

My blog is as good as dead. Why do I have nothing to blog about? What's the problem with me?

| so spoken! @ 10:55 PM|


Sunday, November 12, 2006


Losing Braincells

Getting results back on Wednesday. I have spent some time worrying over it. It's as if I haven't already lost enough brain cells this holiday, what with having nothing to blog about and no school table to sleep on and all.

I really don't miss having to wake up at 6am every morning and reading/drawing under the table. I mean, now I can sit up and draw/ read on the table itself, so why bother hiding it? And besides, there are no teachers you have to watch out for. No chinese lessons to doze in. No after-school-library to borrow weird books and look at weird st uff. No teachers to talk about behind their backs. Okay, so maybe I do miss it. A little.

What did I do last holiday? I don't remember. Except for watching Charmed DVDs on the computer late into the night. Maybe I can do so again. I'll start from the first season's first episodes. I really need to plan.

Holiday 'Plan'

/comes up blank.

| so spoken! @ 9:54 PM|



A song I'm crazy over:
(if you want to listen to it; the first song on the list of http://www.radioblogclub.com/fav/0/964401/0)

take a bow
the night is over
this masquerade is
getting older
lights are low
the curtains down
there's no one here
(there's no one here there's no one in the crowd)

say your lines
but do you feel them
do you mean what you say
when there's no one around
(no one around)
watching you watching me
one lonely star
(one lonely star you don't know who you are)


i've always been in love with you
(always with you)
i guess you've always known its true
(known its true)
you took my love for granted
why oh why
this show is over say goodbye
say goodbye
say goodbye

make them laugh
it comes so easy
when you get to the part where you're breaking my heart
(breaking my heart)
hide behind your smile
all the whole world loves a clown
(just make them smile the whole world loves a clown)
wish you well
i cannot stay
you deserve an award for the role that you play
(role that you play)

no more masquerade
you're one lonely star
(one lonely star you don't know who you are)

chorus 2x

all the world is a stage
and everyone has their part
but how was i to know which way the story goes
how was I to know you'd break
you'd break, you'd break, you'd break
you'd break my heart

| so spoken! @ 9:44 PM|



My sister had her birthday party ystdy, and everything went ok for her and her group of elves -ahemFRIENDS. She had this big barbie-cake wearing... the cake. Uhhh. Yeh. The whole skirt was cake. Then after that I decided to go to my dad's friend's wedding with him. (They mistook me for my mum. ExCUSE me?!)

Why do I have nothing to say here? What's wrong with me?

| so spoken! @ 11:30 AM|


Saturday, November 11, 2006

-7 years and 50 days-

Early ystdy morning: DeathNote! [second time]
Ystdy afternoon: IceSkating
Ystdy evening: Church

I've decided that I am going to watch the second part of DeathNote even though I know vaguely what's about to happen [i've questioned all the people who have read the manga thoroughly] and who's gonna die. How can I pass up a chance to watch Kira and L anyway? And yes, I still do look like L! (inside joke)

The rink is nicer when it's around dinnertime. You can share the rink with about a total of ten to twenty people and that's it. At least you know that you're not going to crash into somebody the moment you step into the rink, and that is somewhat of a comfort; especially when I do still crash into people sometimes. Besides, I fell anyway. A few times.

Celebrated Jeremy's birthday in church, and majority of people got the chance to smear toothpaste into his face. Had chocolate fondue there, and I think I'm allergic to strawberries or something, because I had a half-rash after that. But hey. Strawberries are nice, I won't stop eating them just because I might have some sort of allergic reactions; who do you think I am?!

[B]ernice; the leader(ess) of defrosted chocolate

| so spoken! @ 1:05 PM|


Wednesday, November 08, 2006


My VirtualVillagers died. The whole village. The village that I worked so hard on survival with. I made sure they all had an area they specialised in. I made it so that my VirtualVillage was one big happy family. And then guess what?

I just checked on them and realised that their berry bush (their main source of food) had been depleted totally. And because I was out today, I didn't have the time to check on them. So while their berry bush was depleting, they apparently hadn't the sense to farm or look for more food.

They starved to death. All 8 of my precious villagers I took so long to perfect.

The moment I entered the game, a sign popped up that said, "The berry bush is almost depleted, you should look for an alternate source of food". The next sign said, "Your villagers have died. Game Over." I stared at the sign.

What the hell?!

Eight decomposing skeletons. Game over. Start again. Ohhmygod.

| so spoken! @ 7:45 PM|


-surprise, surprise-

When you are supposed to go bowling, don't:

- go looking for fondue in j8, then Vivo
- because when you go vivo city, chances are that you get hooked there, because
a) just looking at the FOOD
b) the outdoor pool
c) the SHOPS
d) the enormity of it all

- go somewhere with a pool (highly tempting and fun at the same time, but still) because you tend to get stuck there.

In the end, we went everywhere in the world. Except bowling. But I still had fun, see?

| so spoken! @ 7:22 PM|


Monday, November 06, 2006


After reading my September and August archives, I realised that my blog has went down the drain, besides the template. Everything else has went down a hundred notches. Creativity, and maybe also originality. It can only get better from here.

| so spoken! @ 5:10 PM|



2 players, all ready, just click it once, then press play.

I think it's a choice selection of songs, but just in case you don't think so, I'll be changing the songs every once in awhile.


| so spoken! @ 10:47 AM|


Sunday, November 05, 2006

-My Sims: A Biography-

Built a big house in my little tuckaway Sim neighbourhood. I don't know why I create expensive, unaffordable, classy, beautiful houses and then leave them to glam over the whole neighbourhood; quiet and empty. Ok, so maybe I do know why. The moment I move my Sims in (provided they have the cash) the house will be turned from glamorous and high-class to grimy and chaotic. What can I say? I can't control my Sims very well.

And yes, I'm talking about something completely boring because I have nothing to post right now.

| so spoken! @ 9:07 PM|


Friday, November 03, 2006

-Tiki Torch-

If you really know me, you know that I have a very very high expectation of 'hot'. I don't go around screaming that someone on the street is hot. I don't go running to people telling them I've seen the hottest guy. I hardly find the class studs hot in the least. Just so you know how hot 'hot' really is before I continue.

Hot is someone who carries himself with that extreme confidence, and his face has an edge to it. Like a chip, only not a chip. You know, just an edge. A cutting edge. Well defined features. And I really wanted to know what was going on in that head. And hell, (/shh) under that shirt. [Don't pretend you've never wondered. It doesn't work.] It was a nice shirt, too. Spells my name if anything. Jeans. Nice jeans. Not those that hang around your knees like a skate rat. Actual jeans. Nice, nice jeans.

Why am I meant to notice a white-hot flame when he isn't meant to glance my direction?

I will hardly figure out. And that hair. Okay, I should really stop.


Just so you're clear...

He's MY tiki torch.

| so spoken! @ 10:30 PM|


Thursday, November 02, 2006

-New Template-

I've come up with a new template. Actually I took it off blogskins (the bottom part), but then I removed the picture on top and replaced it with my own collage. And the people who aren't there, sorry, I don't have photos of you. If you want your photo up there, tell me.

New c-box too; and truthfully I'm kinda pissed at it because the colours didn't come out exactly as I wanted it too. But hey, I'll fix it some other time. Right now I'm tired of fixing stuff.

Signing off.

| so spoken! @ 7:07 PM|
