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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

-Girl, 14-

Girl, (almost) 15, student. Hates class, can't speak chinese to save her life. In need of angel-on-earth-like boy who has the most beautiful eyes.

Black hair.

Brown eyes.


Tad sadistic, not too much.

Okay I'm getting bored. Stupid attention span of mine.

| so spoken! @ 10:26 PM|


Friday, February 23, 2007


1st paragraph, me
2nd paragraph, peifang
3rd paragraph, shuting
4th paragraph, me
5th paragraph, peifang
6th paragraph. shuting

Hello! I am so glad I found your unit, I almost got lost. Okay, so first things first: What's your name? Oh okay, nice name. I wish my parents thought of that.

Right. So where's your room?Upstairs? Bring me there. How would I know where it is? Yes, you go first. No, don't trip on the stairs, I can't afford the hospital bill!

Okay, wow, nice room! Oohh.. Haha. Is it just me or do I smell rotten eggs and old cheese in here? Ugh... I'd take it that it's just me since you're not answering. Okay, anyway, let's start.
Do you have a timetable? Those papers which they give out containing the time and day of each lesson? No, that's a calendar, see? There's the month on it. Who says timetables state the month? No wait, don't answer that, that was rhetorical, I take it back. Just.... Go look for your timetable. Or anything that looks remotely like one.

Oh, that looks like it, is that it? No wait, it says 2006. Why are you even keeping this?! Look at the calendar you just gave it, it's 2007. Wake up!

Alright, man! You found it! Finally... Okay, now read it... No, not the headline, you cretin, the contents! This is all new to you, isn't it? Tsk, the words in the little boxes... Ohh, just read the one at the top, not all!

Yes, it is Monday. No, not Tuesday. Monday! The first column! Yes, ok, you've got it. That's English. So what do you bring for english? What? Don't you have any idea? Do you know how late we're running? None of my employees have BEEN this late, please don't start, you'll scar my reputation.

Do you have a textbook for english, even? What do you mean what's that? TEXTBOOK... the one with hell tons of word... Yes, word. Not work. Does it ring a bell?

MMmm.... Yeah. That's close but that's maths... Um, hello? Earth to the person who doesn't even know what a textbook is, the pages have lots of numbers in it, does it look like english? Okay, stop arguing! Just put the book away and search PROPERLY.

That has words in it but it's a dictionary. Texts aren't quite so thick, all the students would have died. Hey, listen pal, I may be pale but I'm not dead. No! I just get little sun! No!!! Vampirism is... Stop trying to distract me! Look, there, that's english. Grab that. For the last time, I'm not undead!!

Okay, now look at the next column. Not right, down. That's RIGHT. I want DOWN. The box below the one which says english. Yes, that's the one. And it says? Maths... Okay. Maths.

Now this is going to be easy, isn't it? You just put your maths textbook away, remember? No, you did, look, it's just beside you. Yeah, put it in your bag along with the english book in your hands. Now you see the difference between maths and english? Smart... Okay, now where's your bag? What? You don't have one? Okay, I take back my compliment...

See that crumpled old thing? That's your-- Oh my God, that's your bag?! What, did it get savaged by wild dogs? Oh. Well. I had to ask. Okay. In go the books. Now for your uniform! That's your closet, isn't it? Well, open it! Wait, what do you mean your uniform's in the wash? Don't you have more than one pair? Well, I see another peeking out from underneath your bed! Ohhcrap. I think I know where the smell is coming from now.

What? You don't wash it? What school do you come from? Wait, isn't that uniform supposed to be... Forget it. Bring it for ironing.

What do you mean what do I mean?! Iron! The heavy bone-shaped thing that turns real hot when you turn the switch on? No, you can't not iron it. You know what, why don't you rub soap on it before you start ironing, because I realise I'm not breathing normally. No, I don't need a diaphragm! I need AIR!

Or perfume? You do realise I'm teaching you something extra don't you? You don't know what perfume is? Forget it. Grab that soap. Rub it into your uniform. No, you're just squishing it. Lightly... Yes. That's it. Okay. Flick the suds off. You know... Oh, come ON. You don't need an explanation for THAT, do you?! Fine, I'll do it. There. The iron! Grab the iron! We're running late!!! Don't you have a sense of urgency? Or for that, ANY sense at all?!

You think you do? Well then prove it! Get the iron and iron out your uniform! What where?! Don't you know that irons come with ironing boards? Oh Jesus, do you even live here? Forget it... At least it smells... better now.

Just remember to keep your distance, and don't talk to anymore for more than five minutes. Those poor souls. Why? Haha... You don't want to know why, trust me.... Hey hey hey, why you headed for the bed, we're not done yet! Hello? I'm talking to you! Well, I'm looking at you aren't I? Get back here!

You still have to put on your socks. You're paying me for a reason, you know. Wait-- You ARE paying me though, right? What do you mean you're not going to school because your mood is spoilt? No wait, just answer the first one. Oh, Christ, you're infuriating! I don't care how frustrated you are, are you going to pay me or not?!

Oh forget it. I am getting out of this PLACE. This junk. Waste of my time, waste of my life. Why did you even bother hiring a professional when you are not paying, you retard. I am out of here. Hey, open the door. No wait, this is a window... Qhere the hell is the door? Help! Forget it... The window will do.

Ugh. Ouch. Hmm... Is this a road...? Is that a car? I see headlights. Wait, it's coming towards me! I better go... Ouch, my leg! I must have hurt it when I fell out the darn window. Ahh! It's coming! What am I gonna--

| so spoken! @ 7:58 PM|


Wednesday, February 21, 2007


I need everyone's number, all over again. Lost it when I lost my phone.

What was weird was, when my replacement simcard finally worked, a message came in saying "step away from the phone. i am watching you."

| so spoken! @ 6:30 PM|


Tuesday, February 20, 2007


>Spent my angpao money on a new phone
>Lost everyone's numbers
>Finally got to play blackjack and bluff
>Spent the rest of my time playing with my bunnies

| so spoken! @ 7:09 PM|


Sunday, February 18, 2007


crud I lost my phone.
and ow my hip.

An amazingly apt way to begin my chinese new year post, I know. But yes. So now everyone will have to reach me by house phone / msn, or ring my doorbell. Nooo, the nostalgia of it, house calls and all.

I don't know what I'm supposed to have done to insult my hip but it hurts like hell now.

Mhm. First went to my grandmother's place, wearing my mum's boots, then went for lunch where I lost my phone somewhere. I remember vividly smsing as I walked out the front door, then... GAH. Somewhere along the way from my grandmother's door to my grandaunt's door it got lost. [/trauma] Now I've lost touch with the world until Tuesday until I get my SIMcard.


Okay, enough of complaining.

The pretty girl in the blue thai costume (nobody could convince her out of it, trust me on this one) is my sister, and the cute little girl in peach is my cousin. My other poor little cousin couldn't make it because he had a fever ):

| so spoken! @ 7:02 PM|


Saturday, February 17, 2007


Found my backup disks (finally), but I still have a few files and pictures missing. Maybe they disappeared along with the reformat. (oh please, no)

Welcome the stars of the day, my bunnies Milo and Mocha, white and brown, a tad bitey and scratchy respectively.

Don't they just make you smile? I know their little bunny charm works perfectly well on me(:

| so spoken! @ 11:01 PM|


Friday, February 16, 2007


What the hell. I can't find my backup disks. That means no music, no pictures. Noooo!

| so spoken! @ 4:04 PM|



Let me think about how I am to entertain my audience this afternoon.

Got 2 lop-eared rabbits yesterday, one brown and the other white with brown patches, named Milo and Mocha respectively. -smiles-

Will post picture as soon as I stop crooning over them long enough to get the camera.

| so spoken! @ 3:41 PM|


Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Finding my way out of my perpectual shell of laziness (at least for a short while) shot me with inspiration to change my old and boring blogskin to something new* and somewhat pretty.

Valentine's Day is tomorrow. My girlfriends** are going to get the craziest things from me...

Okay. Let me make up for my absent blogging with stupid pictures.

The army of headless jumping prawns, which, as the name suggests, continued jumping for a period of time after their heads have been chopped off.

31 oranges in all. No, I am not joking.

The carpark area of my new block, taken from the kitchennn.

What I got from Kaylin for x'mas. Whee!

A crazy amount new year delicacies. I can't live without the pineapple tarts though.

*still from blogskin.com and still just slightly edited by me. but still.
**All those left high and dateless, like me. SHOO to all those who have dates, it's going to be an all-girls day!

| so spoken! @ 5:39 PM|


Thursday, February 08, 2007


Volleyball match today, the finals against PRESBYTARIANSEC. We lost, naturally. But we (that is to say those in vball) tried their best anyway, so who really cares if we lost? It was so much fun just screaming and jumping up and down with permission for a change.

Went to J8 for lunch after that (secret recipe) and then... proceeded to taka to get my retainer. And crud is it giving me a damn headache.

| so spoken! @ 6:55 PM|


Sunday, February 04, 2007



> I have gained weight
> My hair is damaged
> My hair is going to become flat if I don't stop tying it up
> Nowhere in causeway pnt slash civic center allows you to rent videos unless you have an IC

Cut my hair yesterday, and now I have a fringe.
-hops around the room cheering and screaming-

The hairdresser said that if I continued tying my hair back so tightly my hair is going to go 'flat' and stick to the top of my head. Sooo... I have no idea how to persuade the school that flat hair does not look so hot. Or how to tie my hair in a way so it doesn't get flat. I really don't want to be a flat head.

The guy in the vid shop insisted I give him my IC. I insisted otherwise (because of course I don't have an IC). It wasn't as though he could tell I wasn't 16 anyway, he didn't even geddit when I told him I don't have an IC.

Enough about videos.

Whee! Orchestra juniors. =]

| so spoken! @ 7:08 PM|
