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Thursday, August 30, 2007


Let me light up the sky,
Just for you tonight.
Let me help you fly,
Cause you won't have time.
Cover your eyes,
Get your disguise,
They won't ask you why,
They just watch you die.

And it's still so hard to be who you are,
So you play this part,
The show goes on.
You've come this far with a broken heart,
Yeh you've come this far,
And you've broken.

Light up the sky - Yellowcard

| so spoken! @ 9:28 PM|


Sunday, August 26, 2007

-Ten Little Known Facts-

Ten little known facts about me, tagged by KAYLIN.

1. I play Sims only so I can torture the little people.
2. Obsession: I absolutely
have to wash my hair as many times a day as possible.
3. Eating ice-cream after ten makes me very
very high.
4. Old-fashioned romance is the only way to go.
5. I consider waking up before noon on a non-school day a crime.
6. P6 was the best school year of my life.
7. I want a wedding of white and red, at a beach in Paris.
8. I like white chocolate.
9. I love being high above ground, but I'm afraid of climbing up and down.
10. I have all of Britney Spears' albums.


| so spoken! @ 7:22 PM|


-high above me.-

One of my favourite, since last december. Sadly they didn't make an MV though, so.... best there is.

| so spoken! @ 2:15 PM|


Saturday, August 25, 2007


It's 12:14, I'm very sleepy, I'm depressed and I'm waiting for my hair to dry. PRFFT. Some post this is. Can somebody smack me over the head with a two by four?

| so spoken! @ 12:11 AM|


Thursday, August 23, 2007


In the dark of my perfect world
Dig for a box in the earth so deep
Prise it open with my heart of stone
Cold, so cold, the beauty of righteous defeat

In the cover of my perfect world
Pull open another curtain sleek
Look for the beautiful masks
The one facade to this masquerade so bleak

In the shelter of my perfect world
Cry those tears nobody sees
Grasping at straws for something, anything
To take away the pain, to catch my fall slowly

In the perfection of my arid world;

The music goes on
Another perfect masquerade
As I shut the box
And numb my deepest emotions, perpectual dismay

The smiling goes on
That beautiful facade
Yet I close my eyes
I press my tears, my fears, deep back down inside

Time to put it all back inside
It has had its fun
Time to put it all back inside
So everyone will know I'm just fine


| so spoken! @ 7:23 PM|


Sunday, August 19, 2007

-Good Eengrish.-


Teeching (expetially engrish) dese days is ackcherlly nort an easy profession to sukseed in. to you no why?

Well, exactly for that reason itself. According to society, illiteracy seems to be an epidemic that has long since been curbed, but apparently (and surprisingly, shell-shockingly, mind-numbingly) not. Just because we haven't hit the ground writhing, bleeding, screaming from the impact; doesn't mean we're not falling.

Now stay with me. Think. Imagine this scenario. Because of all the failed english educators that the ministry let slip past (inadvertently, of course) probably because of their excellent, omniscient qualifications; the lithe, perfect minds of students that parents have entrusted in the hands of the educators, that are in need of careful moulding, that have so much unreached potential, that parents put such high hopes in -- Well, what happens to them?

These brilliant, unmoulded minds spend hours and hours in school (the precious time that can be spent gently directing them to the right road) looking out the window at trees, grass and clouds, playing with imagination, just so to keep boredom at bay. Or otherwise, being confused and jabbed in the wrong direction (with pointed fingernails to the smalls of their backs) by obvious spelling and grammar errors.

English teachers. And what next? Society crashes. Bammo. There you go. See that light red dot? The one at the bottom of the sea? Well there it is. Singapore. The wonderful, multifariously amazing, perfect country that sunk due to the weight of the burden that consisted of imperfect Singlish and barely copacetic, egregious English. Let us all tip our hats, ladies and gentlemen.

A new generation of intelligent, erudite, all-rounded youths. How, when there are no role models? A new breed of learned, logophilic english speakers (Speek Good Engreesh Campaign, remember that?). How, when one's youngest sister is better at spelling and grammar than the educator in question?

Why this post, you ask? Well, thank my teacher.

Credit to Kaylin, Ashre, Brian.
And of course, the the educator in question, because there would be no post otherwise.

Ohh the joys of being able to be retarded. That is My World in front of me, a collection of used disposables and cutlery.

(Once again, as always, coverup because I look stupid.)

| so spoken! @ 4:38 PM|


Tuesday, August 14, 2007


My S500i is love.

| so spoken! @ 5:12 PM|


Sunday, August 05, 2007


We rocked baybeats 2007!!

After alot (alot being an understatement) of being whacked around, flying all over the place, bopping like crazy and jumping like a maniac on something, basically moshing the night away, this is what becomes of us.

We went, we moshed, we came out alive.

| so spoken! @ 6:30 PM|



with chicken on the inside of my pockets and nicking food upstairs

| so spoken! @ 6:28 PM|
